Sweep Picking


SpiritCrusherX said:
While we're on the topic of sweeping, can anyone recommend some exercises for UPWARD sweeping? I've got downward sweeping down very well but upward is more difficult.
When you sweep down, down lean the pick on the strings as much and try to keep it straighter, so it's going to be the same exact motion going up, as opposed to 2 completely different technique going up and down.
Ralf said:
dude, start with 3 strings first, that little part in Silent night... is perfect

yea, the dude with the 3string sweep idea couldn´t BE more right. You gotta to do the eazy way first, and when you get that down, go for the 6 or 5 string shit. that´s what I did it anyway..Try A-minor 3-string like, 14th on g 13th on b,12th on e and a hammer-on on 17th of the e and backwards.

Answer by A. Laiho
I learned it like the others said it before. I just started it off the easier way and, slower, then I played it faster and then played 5 string or 6 string things. It's just building up automatically with practising...:)
Janne Warman said:
yea, the dude with the 3string sweep idea couldn´t BE more right. You gotta to do the eazy way first, and when you get that down, go for the 6 or 5 string shit. that´s what I did it anyway..Try A-minor 3-string like, 14th on g 13th on b,12th on e and a hammer-on on 17th of the e and backwards.

Answer by A. Laiho
does alexi post like this often??
oh ok. . .
cheers then :rock:

EDIT - oh. . .and let him know. . .
i appreciate this

a lot. . .

and i got a new 24 fretter waiting for him. . .:lol:
looking forward to may 12 :wave:
bobvex said:
neck pickup = muddy = cheating
lots of guitarists use the neck pickup for a nice round, bassy tone. i like the way it sounds, don't really think its cheating... maybe you should just play a guitar with no neck pickup...so you won't be tempted to cheat..haha players like zakk wylde and john petrucci use the neck pickup all the time. you're calling them cheaters? :err:
DiscipleofTruMetal said:
lots of guitarists use the neck pickup for a nice round, bassy tone. i like the way it sounds, don't really think its cheating... maybe you should just play a guitar with no neck pickup...so you won't be tempted to cheat..haha players like zakk wylde and john petrucci use the neck pickup all the time. you're calling them cheaters? :err:
haha. . .NO. . .

i just like the bridge pickup better. . .and i am taking out my neck pickup as soon as i get som emoney for the total transformationn of my guitar
I wonder, do you do this :


or this :


Cuz' the second loks way easier.
The movement is just down (then hammer) and up, in the first one, you pick downward, then up for the 17, then you've got to stop your movement to play the pull-off, and then you start you upward movement agai, which is quite hard.

On the other hand, I guess hammering the 17th makes it sound weak, which can result in sloppy sweeps :/

I like the hatecrew deathroll sweep, it's not that hard, except when you have to move your hand for something like 4 grets, or if Alexi plays it as tapped-sweep, which is kinda harder ^^.

The KTS sweep is great too, i can play it at about tempo 60-70^^
Mwahaha :p :erk: (Well I can, I'm not even sure^^)
i do this


v______________ ^ ^

V____= coninuous down stroke
^ = Upstroke
@Bob M'kay^^

Personnally I do it like that :
(I'm far from an experienced guitarist, I'm not even sure I should be trying sweeping, and I should concentrate on easier stuff)



I don't pull-off the second 12th, but I extend my hand movement a bit after the E string, so that my hand has a constant speed even during the hammered 17th and so it's easier to keep the tempo (well a slow tempo for me^^), and as you've just seen, I pick the second 12th when my hand comes back.
But I don't know if a way of playing this is better than another.

I wonder, do experienced guitarists like Alexi sometimes pick every note ?
Cuz' in KTS for example.
The more logical is to hammer the highest note of each wave, but you may have a bad sound cuz' you've got to move you hand down a few frets to prepare the next wave (or maybe it's because I'm not experienced) :


But in the live in Seoul for example, this awesome sweeping sounds too smooth, we don't hear each note enough compared to the album.

And if you mute the lower strings with your thumb, you may mute the E string when it comes to hammer the highest of each wave.
Or maybe it's just me who can't play that as soon as the tempo is higher than 70^^

Edit :
I forgot a part^^
Do they are able to play it like that :


Or is it "too hard" to play like that at really fast tempo ?

(Oops, I didn't even the notice the "H" string...)