Sweep Picking

Really cool that alexi posted here too. The b=h thing in europe: in holland we don't talk about h. We use b. About those sweep things, when I started practicing I played exercices like this:




Etc etc these kind of exercices are easy to make up. A song with really fast arpeggios is paganini caprice #24. But then, most of the caprices are really good for your playing skills. And michael angelo's speed kills is great to exercice with too, but that's just my personal opinion.
Janne Warman said:
yea, the dude with the 3string sweep idea couldn´t BE more right. You gotta to do the eazy way first, and when you get that down, go for the 6 or 5 string shit. that´s what I did it anyway..Try A-minor 3-string like, 14th on g 13th on b,12th on e and a hammer-on on 17th of the e and backwards.

Answer by A. Laiho

I know most people probably don't think the same thing as me, but I have an easier time running 5 and 6 string sweeps than I do with the simple 3 string arps. For some reason I can't hit the 3 string ones so that the G string doesn't ring open when I let go of the note.
I've been working on sweeps now for about 5 months, ands ive only just got 3 string ones down. So I think, like with everything with guitar its all about patience, and just builing the skill up slowly.
Once you have the 3 string sweeps sorted though I think it gets a lot more easier, because your right and left hand are much more in sync.
Day_Before_Dawn said:
I've been working on sweeps now for about 5 months, ands ive only just got 3 string ones down. So I think, like with everything with guitar its all about patience, and just builing the skill up slowly.
Once you have the 3 string sweeps sorted though I think it gets a lot more easier, because your right and left hand are much more in sync.
Yes. Well it didn't take very long for me, but sometimes the 5 or 6-string sweeps dont sound totally clean and straigt. But in my case, it got easier with practising and time, and it didn't take very long...
For me, the 5 and 6 string arpeggios come out perfectly clean, but when I try to hit the 3 stringers the open G ends up ringing out when I let go of the note. Strangely, that doesn't happen when I play the big ones. It's fucking frustrating. I've practiced 3 string arps for hours on end to no avail. Usually when I'm trying to play something with 3 string arps I just turn them into 5 stringers and play them out like that.