Sydney meet-up

so it looks like everyone is arriving on Saturday:( well if you got gold or you see me at bar on Sat night say g'day or if you see me looking lost, please help:heh: I probably be wearing my green battle jacket covered in studs with lots of Maiden patches but the back patch is Obituary... I'll definitely be wearing the Monsters of Rock(88) tshirt that Maiden headlined with the 7th son art work - hopefully it doesnt get ripped off my back as its getting a little thin now.:lol:
I wanted one of the t-shirts on sale, but they're charging flipping $50, so I thought I'd just stick with the three Maiden shirts I've already got. The best value item of merchandise is the posters (nice mix up of singular and plural there), going for $10.
I wanted an XL long sleeve tour shirt, and an L Aces High shirt.

I waited in line for 45 minutes out the front of the show, only to have the last XL long sleeve sold the drunk bastard who pushed his way through the crowd and ended up in front of me.

So then I went inside and waited in line for another 20 minutes and all the L Aces High shirts were gone. So I got an XL because I couldn't be bothered lining up again, and they only had two left anyway.

Moral of the story: unless you're a little tacker get your merch early.
I get into Sydney at approximately 12:30 and am guessing I'll get to the hotel at 2pm at the latest, unless I get lost on the trains. So I think I'll be available for beverages and such from around, say, 4 onwards, after I get myself all tarted up for the big night.

I get in at 12:35. I'll keep an eye open for you, and maybe we can hold hands and walk straight lines in pairs on the train. I'll be the devilishly good looking one walking up to people going "Are you Nigel? Are you Nigel?" and getting funny looks.
Oh, I stopped in at the Novotel on the way to work and asked if the bar there was open to the public as I "had some friends coming in from interstate tomorrow and I suggested we meet there". And it is. So, cool. If you're meeting there, go through the entrance to the hotel and the bar is on the right.
I'm also staying in Parramatta, I'll be headin to the Novotel pub at about 6 for some pregame drinks after drinking up at our hotel during the day!

First Sydney show ruled, dawgs. Got to meet Phloggy at the airport (why isn't it called an aeroport?) and I got to my hotel safe and sound and bought some overpriced merchandise and then eventually hung out in the bar for a while wondering when everyone was going to show up, and then decided to go to McDonald's for a feed and decided while waiting in line to see if my phone and been ringing because I can NEVER hear it when it's in my pocket, and it was ringing but I missed the call and I so I checked my messages and it was Phloggy and so I called him back and he was on the deck outside the bar so I went in and saw the lads, and then a while later Bri-Bri and Xena showed up and then we went down to the arena (minus Bri-Bri and Xena, who were still drinking) and we hung out the front near the Brooks & Dunn sign for a while until we decided to go in and I was in the silver GA section and couldn't really see a thing, but got there in time for the last couple of Lauren Harris songs who has a pretty good band but she's not really much of a singer but she went down well (so to speak) and then Behind Crimson Eyes came on and they got booed quite a bit which isn't surprising, and then half an hour after they left Doctor Doctor came on and the crowd went nuts and went even nutser when Maiden came on and it was awesome, the best gig I've been to.

So yeah.
Nice work Spiffo. Who sings that Doctor Doctor song - UFO? It was rockin'. Do they play that before every show?

So it was better than the shows you saw them do in England (I know you were jetlagged etc then)?
Was an awesome night.

They went hard...Bruce's stamina is incredible. I saw him towel off and drink half a bottle of water backstage during Ryme. For the remainder of the two hours, he just went and went. Should nickname him the duracell bunny.

My voice works properly this morning
So it was better than the shows you saw them do in England (I know you were jetlagged etc then)?

Yep, much better. Those were still great shows, but this was different because it was a greatest hits show (as opposed to AMOLAD+five classics) and the crowd was much more into it.
Oh, and I was disappointed with the MD turnout last night. I thought this would be the MD meet to end all MD meets. Oh well.

Happy to hear any and all excuses, unless they're to do with me personally.
Hope that you enjoy this evening's event too !!!

At one of the shows you are going to, could you get me one of the tour shirts and mail it up here ?
PM me how I can get money to you in advance.

I bought the Madness shirt last night (and love it), but on reflection I should have the roo one as well.