Sydney Review

This bloke took an SLR in with him! Very nice.

Holy shit! :o I can't believe they allowed him in with that. Spiff, are Maiden playing the same venue as the Foo's? If so, can you see if there are any similar signs about photography (apparently he was allowed to take in anything with a lens smaller than 200mm). I may just be tempted to take me DSLR to the Foo gig.

Or maybe not... :erk: no way I'm handing over £2000 worth of kit if I get checked by a security guard with half a brain cell. :u-huh:

At one Maiden gig I went to at Earl's Court, we had to smuggle in all our cameras. My mate had his taped to his false leg, someone had one down his pants, and I had two in my bra. What a palaver! :lol: I haven't actually taken pics at a gig since then - my compact is not up to the job, but I also tend to go a bit wild at these events. Don't come up for air enough to get piccies. :rock: gutted I didn't have one for the Foo's at the O2 in November - we were practically sitting on the stage! I would have got amazing piccies from there. Oh well, have the pleasure of knowing Dave saw me head banging instead. :rock:
Yep, same venue. I was surprised at how relaxed Acer was. We had to empty our pockets and I was sure they were going to say something about my camera but they just glanced at it, presumably to make sure it wasn't a gun, and let me through. Maybe Acer Arena just has decent security. They didn't pat me down or anything, which always happens at Brisbane.
Apparently the official stance is "no professional quality equipment" for Maiden. I didn't get patted down or anything though, so it probably wouldn't have been that difficult.
1st sydney show was best so far (from 2 melb and 2 syd shows I saw).

Bring on brisbane!

Rime and Revelations = top highlights. Also Adrian Smith. Just when I thought I couldnt possibly love him anymore, seeing him on stage, was amazing. Its still like a wonderful dream.

Really? I though 2nd Melbourne was better, but like I said somewhere else it probably all comes down to where you were sitting and what was going on around you. I thought the sound was better and the band were tighter in Melbourne part 2, but the crowd was louder (and a bit rougher) in Sydney.
Interesting to read in Rod's diary that there were only 9000 at the second Sydney show. I did notice that the top tier was curtained off, but I thought there was still more than that there (14000 at the first show). But I'm a terrible judge of audience numbers.
Shit, I didn't expect anyone to allow an SLR in. Had I known.... FUCK! Would've had a field day with that lighting.:bah:

I've tried to get an SLR into much smaller venues but have always been shot down, so I assumed Maiden would've been a resounding no. And what the fuck is 'professional' equipment?!? Safe to assume the guards won't know much about photography, so what, is it a size thing? :zombie: Oh well.
Considering how much of their discography went completely untouched (nothing at all from "Killers" and "No Prayer for the Dying"? :hypno:) and how well "A Matter Of Life And Death" did in Australia in terms of sales, I imagine they'll be back doing a more typical tour focusing on BNW/DOD/AMOLAD while the buzz is still there.

"Wrathchild" is generally the only thing they play off Killers, and I don't think they've touched the No Prayer material for years. They know it's not a great fan favourite. As more doing newer material next time, I'm not sure what they'd include. A Maiden set will always include "Run to the Hills", "TNOTB", "Hallowed", "Iron Maiden", "The Trooper", usually "Wrathchild", and "Fear of the Dark". That's half the set. Obviously "Rime", "Revelations" and "Powerslave" won't be played though, so that frees up a bit of time for newer songs. Hard to say exactly what they'd include though.
Yeah, last time they did anything from NPFTD was on the Fear of the Dark tour when they did Bring Your Daughter... they might dig that one out again one day. Personally, I'd love to hear my second-favourite Maiden song, Hooks In You, played live again w/- both writers performing it.

Didn't Maiden drop Run to the Hills for most of the Brave New World tour (obviously it's on Rock in Rio)? Perhaps I'm mistaken.

On the AMOLAD tour the non-album tracks they did were Fear of the Dark, Iron Maiden, 2 Minutes to Midnight, The Evil That Men Do and Hallowed Be Thy Name. Three of those will always be played. I would have said four, but The Evil That Men Do surprisingly missed out on the current tour.
Biggest surprise of the show for me was that they came back for the encore and then went into Moonchild rather than it being dark and Bruce and Dave doing the "seven deadly sins" bit and then the rest of the band coming in and doing the song.