Sydney Review

Iron Zombius

Sep 6, 2007
Went to the first show in sydney on the sat. night, and what and awesome experience it was.

Big shout out to spiff and the guys who met us :headbang: (shannow and myself) at the novatel. Was great to start the night with guys that were looking forward to it as much as I was. here is my list of best bits and worst bits of the first show in sydney.

pre show drinks
Best : meeting the guys from the forum and finding out about the show from those that had been before. also, seeing all the maiden shirts together in one area....was like we aere part of an army!!

worst : the guys down in the pub screaming out to the bon jovi cover band - although my wife would see this as a highlight.

Support Act
Best : seeing the guys in the front row pelting the lead singer with beer! (didnt see Lauren Harris)

Worst : everything other than seeing the front row pelting the lead singer with beer!

Best : The guy that shannow and I dubbed "rock in rio". 40 something guy with long black hair, wearing a leather vest. The man didn't stop all night. Came up to everyone in his vacinity, hugged and screamed in thier ear and gave them the horns up. He went off! Also getting the chance to hear the crowd scream for bruce when he asked them to, and the roar that went up when bruce said "we will be back real soon!"

worst : The chick that sat next to shannow. Came in midway through Maiden and then preceeded to text her friends for the first 2 songs she saw......

The Show
Best : Damn.......loved the lot. Everything I expected and more!!!!

Worst :

The whole experience

Just wished that I had gotten tickets for the 2nd sydney show. Next time.....Im going on tour!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:
That was pretty cool.

I think the crowd was louder and a bit more active in Sydney than in Melbourne, but the second show in Melbourne was better than the first show in Sydney. More pyro and effects in Melbourne, better sound (although that might have been the arena itself), and Bruce's screams were better and he held his notes longer. And he held some pretty long notes in Syd.

I could do it all again.
I went to both sydney shows....
Last night Bruce said that they would be returning to Australia VERY soon and that they are already in talks to do something very special in Australia shortly.
He said he would love to spill the beans and give us details, but then he'd have to kill us.
BEST. SHOW. EVER.:worship:

my night went a little like this. We arrived when The No. of the Beast was being played at the Novotel, there was a huge lineup to get in. People, no, metalheads were everywhere, I've never seen that many bangers in one place - does anyone know the no. of tickets sold to the show? I wandered off to grab some food from Maccas. at some point during our wandering we heard Run to the Hills at the Novo, the faders were dropped out in the chorus and the whole pub was singing along - the concert before the concert.:kickass: I also almost managed to nearly get run over before the show, whats with those unmarked roads there??

By the time we returned to the Novotel the cover band was playing some awful trite and the line was huge to get in. We jumped the fence from the smoking area (where a group of our mates were) and made our way to the bar. I was a little hungover from the night before so it was a slow start, I didnt have a clue if anyone from MD was there as I've only meet Trixxi before and he was in Melb, lol. I was holding my battle jacket in hand and wearing my Monsters of Rock t-shirt (long black hair, skin tight faded black jeans, docs)stayed close to the middle bar and out on in the smoking section. We missed all the supports, cool but that meant I also missed all the footage they showed of us at the Opera House yesterday too... I was trying to knock back Johnny&cokes when the band came on.

I went in thru gate 11 and ended up down on the floor in front of Yanick in the middle of Aces High, by the the time they played Revelations I had moved as close as I could to the front, 5 or 6 heads in front of me. I sang almost everyword, chanted, yelled, whistled and bang my head as much as I could with breaks to watch the show. Some retard with a shaved head standing behind me actually complained about my hair getting in his face at one stage - who goes to a metal show and complains about people headbanging? - I couldnt believe it but as if I'm gonna stop, haha.:headbang:

The set flowed really well, the crowd was generally superb but some of the people around me didnt seem that excited but most were. I was getting really hot in my jacket so towards the end I was holding it in my hand so if you saw a jacket in the air at times, it was me! Janick didnt fuck up too many guitar solos, from what I could tell but I think he fucked up the last one on Hallowed be thy Name.

Bruce's voice was so strong - during Mariners scream he left me in awe - and the band very lively. How funnny was it when those winners got on the stage and sung along?! The backdrops were sensational, especially the Mariner one. The Eddie ruled, along with the flames and other pyros. The smoke in Mariner... but not the idiot smoking next to me...

From all reports I've heard Perth was good, Melb was better but Saturday night in Sydney was the best, the set was in a different order and the crowd on fire. Maybe Bruce was actually being honest when he said we were blowing him away... the roar from the crowd was insane - my voice is only showing signs of improvement today!

Couldnt get a taxi to save our lives afterwards, tried the train but didnt want to change at Lidcome so a friend came and picked us up. Drank until 5 at said friends house afterwards. Oh yeah the other mentionable thing was the rank fart someone let rip durring FoTD, I found myself singing Fear of the Fart. It also became a long running joke after the show, 7 Deadly Farts and so on:lol:

be great to hear all your stories...
From all reports I've heard Perth was good, Melb was better but Saturday night in Sydney was the best, the set was in a different order and the crowd on fire. Maybe Bruce was actually being honest when he said we were blowing him away... the roar from the crowd was insane - my voice is only showing signs of improvement today!

Like I've said elsewhere, the 2nd Melbourne show was better than the first Sydney show for mine, but I'm sure that's all got to do with where you're sitting and what's going on around you.

The Sydney setlist was the same order as the second Melbourne show (the had Run To The Hills before Can I Play With Madness for the first one).

And from all reports they really weren't expecting the reaction they got. Los4Words said he was watching Smallwood in the mixing area grinning like an idiot.
The reaction at the first sydney show was the best I have ever witnessed from an audience.
I think it was after the 3rd song when the crowd were cheering for minutes and Bruce was just speechless and taking it all in.
That was freakin awesome.
Before Rime, that was. That was great. In Melbourne we had some stories beforehand, and that was great too. But in Sydney it looked like they were all blown away by that.
Will be interesting to see if they make good on their "we'll be back real soon" comment at the end of the show

Considering how much of their discography went completely untouched (nothing at all from "Killers" and "No Prayer for the Dying"? o_O) and how well "A Matter Of Life And Death" did in Australia in terms of sales, I imagine they'll be back doing a more typical tour focusing on BNW/DOD/AMOLAD while the buzz is still there.

The only dampener on the whole thing for me was merch prices. $50 for a t-shirt shirt was a bit rude. It was marginally compensated for by how awesome the designs were but I still would've liked to get a couple more of them.
Looking for the set list from Sydney Saturday show.

so far have this one but not sure if it is correct or not:

(Transylvania recorded track)
Intro: Churchill's speech.
Ace's High
2 Minutes to Midnight
The Trooper

after that think it was
Wasted Years
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Heaven Can Wait
The Number of the Beast
Iron Maiden
Fear of the Dark
Can I Play With Madness?
Run to the Hills

The Clairvoyent
Hallowed Be Thy Name

But Saturday at Maiden was honestly the great show that I have ever seen!

Had the most perfect spot to sit and enjoy the show up in the Silver Section (right on the bend on the right hand side of the stage, so I could literally see almost everything in the arena).
Maiden were spot on and how mental and responsive the crowd was, was utterly amazing -being used to the more stonefaced folded-arm brigade metallers at gigs. And the band seemed genuinely touched by how wild we went the crowd all went before The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

Rumours for the next Maiden world tour have already started and will possible be any time from March to November and it will consist of a mixture of their post Seventh Son, Killers and even some Blaze-era works -focusing more on Brave New World/Dance of Death/A Matter of Life & Death albums -so will be much like the Death on the Road tour.
Hope that it happens, because will be very cool to see the newer stuff, especially after this classic tour. :headbang:
Right songs, wrong order:

Transylvania recorded track
Intro: Churchill's speech.
Aces High
2 Minutes To Midnight
The Trooper
Wasted Years
Can I Play With Madness
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
The Number Of The Beast
Heaven Can Wait
Run To The Hills
Fear Of The Dark
Iron Maiden

The Clairvoyant
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Right songs, wrong order:

Transylvania recorded track
Intro: Churchill's speech.
Aces High
2 Minutes To Midnight
The Trooper
Wasted Years
Can I Play With Madness
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
The Number Of The Beast
Heaven Can Wait
Run To The Hills
Fear Of The Dark
Iron Maiden

The Clairvoyant
Hallowed Be Thy Name

cheers, mate. Much appreciated.:headbang:
Was so tired and out of it from lack of food and dehydration that I had a hard time remembering what was played when.