Sydney Review

Second show ruled, y'all.

Met up with Tania and her two fellas before the show and chatted with them for about an hour or so. Met up with the Drunken Wizard who was awesome. Then I popped down to my spot on the gold floor - so much better than the previous night in silver. Managed to skip Lauren and BCE.

It's probably because I was amid more rabid fans, but I thought the crowd was much better than Saturday night. There was an old school metalhead standing right near me who kept putting his arm around everyone and singing along, but he disappeared after Can I Play With Madness. I got some good photos (nothing too great) that I'll show you later, including a nice one of Adrian, but there's a big red line through it which is a real shame. If I zoomed in then the photos would turn out blurry, so the only decent ones are long shots.

Setlist was the same as Saturday night, of course.

Best weekend ever! A shame I had nothing to do in between gigs, but that's Olympic Park for you.

OH! And when I was at the airport this morning checking in I saw Ed Force One taxiing along the runway thing! I was in line and happened to look out the huge windows behind the desk and there it was minding its own business. Great way to end a great trip.

Noticed when I got home that the Live After Death shirt, while an XL, is actually smaller than the other XL's. Different manufacturer, like. That's a shame. It still fits, but not very well.
God, I hope not, but this is what I'm afraid they mean.

FUCK the big day out.

i really don't understand why so many people seem to want maiden to do that (with a new rumour started every year about it)... like we're all hanging for acceptance from the normals or something? Like we want to have to sit through a bunch of shitty alterna / genera-rock bands first before we get to maiden, and have it not go off because we're surrounded by normals instead of just die hard crazy head bangers?

w00ps, I ranted.

i hope they come back and do a show with all the new songs though :)
Maiden could headline their own metal festival and it would be a massive success. Smallwood could do that and he'd make even more money.
FUCK the big day out.

i really don't understand why so many people seem to want maiden to do that (with a new rumour started every year about it)... like we're all hanging for acceptance from the normals or something? Like we want to have to sit through a bunch of shitty alterna / genera-rock bands first before we get to maiden, and have it not go off because we're surrounded by normals instead of just die hard crazy head bangers?

w00ps, I ranted.

i hope they come back and do a show with all the new songs though :)

Maiden will never headline such a festival and will probably not do anything but the huge ones -Rock In Rio and possibly one of the big ones in Japan.
Main factor is time and the bullshit that happened at Ozzfest.

And I think that touring the Big Day Out in Oz wouldn't do anything for them when they can sell out their own shows without issue and do what they want and not have to put up with bullshit from promoters and other bands and managers.

They will be back on their next tour.
That is pretty much a guarantee.


Stupid camera!



This is what happens when I zoom in...


Note the floating sarcophagus that Bruce grabbed to join in the HCW singalong.

I remember some random new guy a few months ago posted here that the extra days between dates were for possible second shows and I shot him down because it was hardly an original idea. Just a few minutes ago I noticed that was Iron Zombius. I kinda feel bad now, considering I met him on Saturday and got along quite well with him. :)
Now that I think about it, I was much closer than my photos suggest. Interesting. I'm sure a photography nerd would be able to explain that one.
And I think that touring the Big Day Out in Oz wouldn't do anything for them when they can sell out their own shows without issue and do what they want and not have to put up with bullshit from promoters and other bands and managers.

As opposed to Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, Muse, Tool, System Of A Down, Red Hot Chilli Peppers etc etc? This might come as a surprise but, regardless of opinion on quality, the Big Day Out tends to feature some pretty big headliners. What's in it for them that wouldn't be in it for Iron Maiden? Why wouldn't a band like Iron Maiden want an opportunity to break out of the almost exclusively 'old school metal head' fan base and reach a wider audience here?

That said, I still hope they don't and stick to touring on their own next time around. I missed out on Metallica last time they were here as I refuse to pay for tickets to, or otherwise attend, the Big Day Out. If I wanted to be surrounded by emos and pop-punk skateboarders I'd hang around Westfields.

Some random guy who's never posted here before guarantees it! That's good enough for me! :rock:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, Muse, Tool, System Of A Down, Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Those bands have had chart success in Australia and the kiddies know who they are. Maiden don't fall into that category and now that I've thought about it I can't see a) Maiden headlining Big Day Out and b) Maiden being prepared to play at a festival and not headline it (Ozzfest being the exception, of course).

But I may be wrong.

If anyone knows of a way to fix this particular photo I'd REALLY appreciate it. I'm assuming I'm up a certain creek without a certain paddle, unfortunately. And to think I was going to buy a new camera earlier in the week because I couldn't find my battery charger - and this is what happens when I decide to save a bit of money. Curses!! *shakes fist*

Maybe I'll buy a new one tomorrow for the Brisbane gig. Hmm, yes.
As opposed to Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, Muse, Tool, System Of A Down, Red Hot Chilli Peppers etc etc? This might come as a surprise but, regardless of opinion on quality, the Big Day Out tends to feature some pretty big headliners. What's in it for them that wouldn't be in it for Iron Maiden? Why wouldn't a band like Iron Maiden want an opportunity to break out of the almost exclusively 'old school metal head' fan base and reach a wider audience here?

the reasons that those bands played was because with Muse, Tool, System Of A Down & Red Hot Chilli Peppers they first toured on the BDO before they were huge mainstream hits in Australia and it helped push them into the limelight.
Late tours were because of money and time issues -especially with Tool.

Metallica played the BDO because there was a fear that after not touring for such a long time they had lost a lot of their original fanbase, were trying to reach the younger fans who had gotten into them post (Re)Load and were thrown heaps of money to do it.

And, seeing the crowd there on Saturday, Ferret, do you really think that Iron Maiden really need to reach a 'wider fanbase'?
there were a lot of people who were there simply for the fact they had heard the name Iron Maiden all of their lives and wanted to go along to see them.
Had one such person in my car and meet literally a dozen more before the show.

but, if you want final proof, do what I did 4 years ago and e-mail their management about them playing.
It was a definite and resounding "no. Iron Maiden will never be part of such a festival".

And I hope that they never do.
Because I don't want to waste a day in a big crowd just to see them play.
which is why I didn't go see Metallica when they did the tour.
Didn't want a waterdown set list, lots of idiots in the mosh and the heat.

But, if I am proved wrong, then I am proved wrong and such is life. :)
Haha! I remember them I's. Can't think if the username off the top of my head, but the I's have it!

I like the new direction though...

The Pimp NeonBlack -a persona that I stole blatantly from a friend of mine. Who's name actually was Neon Black (poor bastard) and types and talks exactly like that (with the I's and such).

Thanks, Phlog. :rock: