Sydney Review

Second show ruled, y'all.

Met up with Tania and her two fellas before the show and chatted with them for about an hour or so. Met up with the Drunken Wizard who was awesome. Then I popped down to my spot on the gold floor - so much better than the previous night in silver. Managed to skip Lauren and BCE.

It's probably because I was amid more rabid fans, but I thought the crowd was much better than Saturday night. There was an old school metalhead standing right near me who kept putting his arm around everyone and singing along, but he disappeared after Can I Play With Madness. I got some good photos (nothing too great) that I'll show you later, including a nice one of Adrian, but there's a big red line through it which is a real shame. If I zoomed in then the photos would turn out blurry, so the only decent ones are long shots.

Setlist was the same as Saturday night, of course.

Best weekend ever! A shame I had nothing to do in between gigs, but that's Olympic Park for you.

OH! And when I was at the airport this morning checking in I saw Ed Force One taxiing along the runway thing! I was in line and happened to look out the huge windows behind the desk and there it was minding its own business. Great way to end a great trip.

Noticed when I got home that the Live After Death shirt, while an XL, is actually smaller than the other XL's. Different manufacturer, like. That's a shame. It still fits, but not very well.

Them Bridgeman boys are a good breed :-)

It was a very entertaining preshow get-together I have to say. Being at our very own "Robbie Johns half hour" special with the Chopper Reid clone befriending us was one highlight...

But oh my god, I am still flying after that show last night. I woke this morning feeling like it all must have been a dream. It's such a pleasure to see this band who are in just as fine form, if not better than I assume they would have been 20 years ago. I was completely blown away and it was so special to be there with my boy as he experienced his first live concert. How can that ever be topped?!
It's definitely fixable, just requires a lot of manual work. You won't find anyone who can fix it in 30 seconds with a few Photoshop filters.


That's my 2c and 5 minutes worth. If someone else wants to use that as a base to finish the job feel free.
spiff, was that one of the laser fuckwits that were bouncing around all Saturday night ?

(Iron Zombius didn't mention "Crystal Meth man" and his laser, phone, etc in his thread).

Laser pointers flying everywhere, maybe that's your red stripe. (looks too paralell maybe)

Ferretallica, that's very do you get rid of that ? redeye is a challenge up here.
The Pimp NeonBlack -a persona that I stole blatantly from a friend of mine. Who's name actually was Neon Black (poor bastard) and types and talks exactly like that (with the I's and such).

I'm confused - are you Ewan, or is your friend Ewan? :)

Nice photos, Spiff. I shoulda tried not zooming in. I might also try buying a decent fucking camera.
Yeah, which Pimp are you???

Everyone chanting was awesome, and surprising given Sydney metal crowds are usually so tame.

I should have bought a decent camera before the glut of all the international gigs in the last year. Damn cheap laziness.

Spiff, as said it's fixable. I'll have to give it a go.
A fucking Camera ?

just text "screwed" to 1800-parishilton.

I seen the adds in the middle of House of 1,000 Corpses (which I never would have suspected Channel 10 of playing...ever)
spiff, was that one of the laser fuckwits that were bouncing around all Saturday night ?

Nah, this was on the second night (Sunday). I think it might just be that my camera couldn't handle all the lights. I'd never taken it to a gig before so it's all quite new for it, I guess.

Quite a few other funny effects but I can't be bothered uploading the pics just now.

Thanks for trying to fix that photo, kids! It'd make a great wallpaper. If you're able to fix it so that it looks flawless, I'll send you the big version and get you working on it. :)

Gonna buy myself a new camera tomorrow so hopefully I have some even more awesome photos to show you on Wednesday.
1st sydney show was best so far (from 2 melb and 2 syd shows I saw).

Bring on brisbane!

Rime and Revelations = top highlights. Also Adrian Smith. Just when I thought I couldnt possibly love him anymore, seeing him on stage, was amazing. Its still like a wonderful dream.
And I must say that I'm kind of glad I didn't go to Perth and Melbourne - I am absolutely knackered after two shows and I would have been shattered if Brisbane was my sixth.
I remember some random new guy a few months ago posted here that the extra days between dates were for possible second shows and I shot him down because it was hardly an original idea. Just a few minutes ago I noticed that was Iron Zombius. I kinda feel bad now, considering I met him on Saturday and got along quite well with him. :)

Appology accepted mate. :rock: