Systematic Mixing Guide Update (Free for all prior purchasers)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Taken from the official page:

'The day has finally come.

After over a year of brainstorming, working, procrastinating, being frustrated and then working again, we've finally finished the updated version of The Systematic Mixing Guide. If you've previously purchased the book, and haven't received it already, you will be getting an automated e-mail with the updated link within the day. No charge - a kind 'thank you' for your loyalty and patronage.

The update contains a variety of little changes throughout the text - the main ones coming in the form of two brand new chapters, and a substantial update to the bass mixing chapter.

The purchase price for all new buyers will be $25.

Thank you all for the support!'

This is where the book was originally able to become a reality, so I wanted to make sure you guys knew to check your e-mails. Take care.
Haven't checked it out yet but I can bet my left arm it's amazing regardless. Thanks a ton Ermz, I constantly reference this and I seem to pickup something new every time.
Thanks a lot, this book really helped me out a few years ago when I was starting to finally get somewhere.
Downloaded and read. Loved the additions and especially the new bass section. It's a first hand look at how someone's growth changes their choices/ techniques etc and it all made sense. Awesome stuff dude \m/
Cheers! Started reading today on a flight, and I'm now at clean guitars. New bass chapter was very eye opening, so thanks for that! I've been using a bastardised version of the "vibe" approach on my mixes pretty much since I read the first version of the book, but have recently felt like I need to add a bit more control. The new method seems perfect for me. Also liked the addition of and approach on the outside kick stuff.
Sort of an aside, but I would pay easy up to $50 or so for a voiceover'd DVD or downloadable video series that shows, from raw tracks to finished mix, how you mix an album. The Systematic Guide is amazing, but I've found that some of the "case studies" you posted on the forum have also been extraordinarily valuable because they show how to deal with circumstance-specific quirks, problems with individual instruments, and how to apply the concepts in the guide in practical terms, and a video series could fill that gap really nicely. I know other people have done stuff like that for free on YouTube, but it would be really valuable to hear it from a full-time professional who understands conceptually how to convey this stuff in a digestible format. Just a thought!
Still waiting for the updated guide link
:rofl: i need something to read this weekend >.< >.<
Please let me know if you find any grammatical errors, or anything of the sort. This is the version currently intended for print in a few weeks!

Any idea how much the print version is going to cost, for those of us who were about to buy the PDF version? :)
You know, I told myself I'd buy the guide when it very first came out, and I never did.

I need some motivation in my life at this current time. Just bought the guide. Going to look into it today!

EDIT: Yeah I'm super late to this, but I dug in a bit and this is indeed pretty good. I really need a full day to sit down with a session and go over the guide from start to finish.

Also - is it "legal" to throw this in my Dropbox so I can easily pull it up on my phone?