Taake - Nattestid...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
This is the ultimate black metal album. The way most around here talk of Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse or even Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger is the way I feel about the beauty that is Nattestid... The perfect balance of all out aural assault with just enough beauty in the Benedictine vocals is completely masterful. The last 2 minutes of this disc is the absolute finest moment in my limited knowledge of that which is black metal. Perhaps I enjoy Ulver - Bergtatt more than this album, but this is the epitome of what sounds completely BLACK to me.

Discuss. :Spin:
Both Bjoergvin and Nattestid are excellent, I must rob a bank so I can get that 10" (Even though I probably have the songs in old versions on cassette already, but rumours have it that the other half of it is THRASH METAL TERROR)
spaffe said:
hm, i doubt it. i find bjorgvin (+spelling) to be one of the most overrated albums out there
Bjoergvin is nowhere near as good as Nattestid.
I'm surprised this album isn't talked about more, this is the one black metal album I picked up that completely raped me from the very beginning. Maybe because it came a few years after the "golden age" of black metal, but I got into all that around the same time so timing wasn't an issue for me.
There are only a few black metal records which I think are better than Nattestid.

This might sound retarded, but the album sounds really colorful and vibrant and that really impresses me.. cuz it's black metal and all.
That makes sense. Everything sounds black to me but there is certainly a lot of different sounds going on all the time, without ever getting cluttered. Different shades of black I guess. :loco:
this album does, indeed, fuckin rule. excellent melodies, great basslines (too bad more BM bands dont utilize the bass), and savage vocals. and that insturmental in the middle is fuckin sick.
Erik said:
Too bad I've already sent off my CD-R package to you or I'd know what to add...
Somehow, NAD set the precedence for how many CD-Rs were worth a real album and so I felt limited. Believe me, I left about 10 albums out, heh. Maybe next time...
Well eh. You got 4 CD-R's per album and NAD got 6 for his Sentenced album I think, so... (But of course, that was including the most broken jewel case I've ever seen :p... thanks USPS)
Erik said:
Well eh. You got 4 CD-R's per album and NAD got 6 for his Sentenced album I think, so... (But of course, that was including the most broken jewel case I've ever seen :p... thanks USPS)
Ah what the hell. I guess one of the albums I sent you was an EP. I'll throw in some CD-Rs your way in the next promo batch - you're really going to dig Brocas Helm.
JayKeeley, I'll burn you a copy of this, that'll make 13 CD-R's. :Spin:
Erik said:
(But of course, that was including the most broken jewel case I've ever seen :p... thanks USPS)
Those dirty assholes... :mad:
NAD said:
JayKeeley, I'll burn you a copy of this, that'll make 13 CD-R's.
That would rule. I'm sure I'll end up sending you more than I've currently listed for you too. I think it's about time you got some new Slough Feg. :kickass: