Talked to Barlow yesterday..

Good to hear this!
I think the fans are all glad that this collaboration is seeing the light of day, is in the final stages and the cd will soon be unleashed upon us.

Yes Matt will be back in Iced Earth and we have been told this is a "1-time only record deal" with Matt and Pyramaze. Although to hear such glowing comments-not just from the fans- but more importantly from the band members, I wonder if Matt and the band have reached an even higher expectation level during recording?
Opened thier own eyes / ears, maybe realizing what they have? Just maybe a chance Matt and Pyramaze will work again in the future?

Put this one under the curious, speculating, wishful thinking catagory.:)

That would be interesting.
I wonder if there is a chance of Barlow coming in from time to time.
It would have to orchestrated by many bands.
Jon Shaffer would have to be working with Hansi on D&W
meaning both IE and BG would have to be chillin.

Structure of Inhumanity would not be doing anything as well.
not to mention all the bands within SoI would have to be busy with their initial bands.

Finally Pyramaze would either have to kick out Barlow's successor or do nothing until everything works out with the other 3 bands.

It could happen.
I am glad everything is running to the bands approval. Meaning without a doubt this will forever be a favorite of mine.
I am so fucking exited to hear this album/any song/any part of any song off this album! It's gonna be completely freakin' awesome. I don't see any possible way it could not be. Why must I wait!?

That would be interesting.
I wonder if there is a chance of Barlow coming in from time to time.
It would have to orchestrated by many bands.
Jon Shaffer would have to be working with Hansi on D&W
meaning both IE and BG would have to be chillin.

Structure of Inhumanity would not be doing anything as well.
not to mention all the bands within SoI would have to be busy with their initial bands.

Finally Pyramaze would either have to kick out Barlow's successor or do nothing until everything works out with the other 3 bands.

It could happen.
I am glad everything is running to the bands approval. Meaning without a doubt this will forever be a favorite of mine.

You forgot about Fast Gallows, they'd have to not be doin' anything too.
[qoute="comment on blabbermouth"]This may turn out to be so good that we won't care about Iced earth anymore. What if the new Pyramaze is so good that we are begging Matt to quit Iced Earth??[/quote]

My thoughts exactly!
BTW it's cool to be a fan of both Pyramaze and Iced Earth these times. :p
But I have to say that I am looking forward much more to hear the new Pyramaze record!

Can't wait!
Exactly! Kinda what I mentioned earlier, what if Matt is better with Pyramaze than he is in Iced Earth? The band members, more so Matt will determine his place in the future, just maybe he should have waited until after "Immortal" is released? Take in the media, fan / band reactions etc., before deciding to go back with Iced Earth. Don't know how much the fans would sway a decision, it would be cool though if Matt and Pyramaze blow us and themselves away with the new cd and decide to keep going as a band.
I'm sure I'm the only one on this forum that thinks this, but I'm actually glad that the sample won't be up until the end of March! I'm away from home until March 17th and the only computers I have access to here don't have any sound. If there was a sample up and I knew it was there but I just couldn't listen to it I would loose my mind! This will just make it that much sweeter when I get back home :kickass:.
Exactly! Kinda what I mentioned earlier, what if Matt is better with Pyramaze than he is in Iced Earth? The band members, more so Matt will determine his place in the future, just maybe he should have waited until after "Immortal" is released? Take in the media, fan / band reactions etc., before deciding to go back with Iced Earth. Don't know how much the fans would sway a decision, it would be cool though if Matt and Pyramaze blow us and themselves away with the new cd and decide to keep going as a band.

Yeah... but lets not forget that although Matt will be an awesome addition to the band and make a very special album, Pyramaze will still be Pyramaze when he's gone, just as Pyramaze is still Pyramaze w/o Lance.

True! Thier music is what makes them.
The fact that they have had an amazing singer in Lance and now Matt at the mic, they have quietly showed the metal community how epic power metal should be played and oh by the way they will get "the guy" that they want to handle the vocals and people will take notice and like it!:)
Hey Pyrawarriors,

This is really not to tease you guys, just thought i would tell you a little bit
about Matt's vocals -and some of the other stuff. Matt completed the recording last Friday, and it all sounds really awesome. Matt sounds more diverse than I've ever heard him before. Matt and i agreed right from the start that he should use his skills on this album to the max, and therefore you will hear a very multi-faceted vocal performance on Immortal. He has done everything right from very thick and raspy verses to epic choirs. Matt really enjoyed being able to "play" and try different things, and his enthusiasm shows on the album. For the first time we've also made use of a small male choir (three persons) which adds to the diversity. Next Monday the mixing will begin, and i look very much forward to the process. I think we can cut the countdown down to 20 days

Thanx for the update Michael!!:headbang:
I just can't wait to hear this new stuff, you ve got us all excited!!
How about doing some festivals with Matt where Iced earth play this summer like the Bang your head or Gods of Metal??
I know Matt is not supposed to become a full member of the band but man some special shows with him would be great!
Thank you SOOOOOOOO much Michael, i'm fucking excited wow, i'll take a heart attack!! :erk::erk:

Matt Barlow, kick asses as always!
Thanks Michael-great news! Good luck with the final mixing.:kickass:

Not that Matt has never been multi-faceted or varied before in his singing, but sounds like he has really pushed it here (in a good way) on the new cd. Ya never know, I sense a very good collaboration and one that may someday...? ;);) :)