Tall/Uninterested People at the rail...

Little Miss Bitchy McBitchovich!

The thing about the disinterested....

...it's difficult to distinguish between the disinterested people, and the HOW THE FUCK IS HE PLAYING THAT SHIT? GOTTA STUDY THAT FRETBOARD people. Lotsa times, I'll see people not moving, cuz they're concentrating on the performers.

Happens at Opeth shows. BIG TIME. I was doing it myself, cuz it was mezmerizing.
Bryan316 said:
Little Miss Bitchy McBitchovich!

The thing about the disinterested....

...it's difficult to distinguish between the disinterested people, and the HOW THE FUCK IS HE PLAYING THAT SHIT? GOTTA STUDY THAT FRETBOARD people. Lotsa times, I'll see people not moving, cuz they're concentrating on the performers.

Happens at Opeth shows. BIG TIME. I was doing it myself, cuz it was mezmerizing.

Dood. I am talking about the guys who will stand there, stare into space (or the edge of the stage) and act like a statue. Everyone around them is going berzerk and they look like they could not care less.

I am not bitching about them having a good time. I am not judging. I am curious is all.

I have seen guys like that in the stands when going out to get a beer, and can understand it, but not guys who are on the rail.

Swordlord, you are almost as fun to watch as the people on stage. I am usually about 4 feet back and to the right, and you do not bother me at all. I hear your reasons and dig them. If I were 6'5" I would probably let someone shorter stand in front simply because they need the love too.
See I associate those guys with being stoned out of their gourds or something. That's the really weird crowd you're talking about then. If you're not interested, get off the rail. Certainly. Besides, it's not too difficult to weasel your way up front when your favorite band gets on stage.
Bryan316 said:
See I associate those guys with being stoned out of their gourds or something. That's the really weird crowd you're talking about then. If you're not interested, get off the rail. Certainly. Besides, it's not too difficult to weasel your way up front when your favorite band gets on stage.

To extend that thought further...if you are "into" this kind of music, wouldn't you have some kind of reaction when a band you do not love is playing?

I was not that into Mercenary, but I banged my head.
I was not that into Edguy, but I banged my head.
I was not that into POS, but it was impossible to not appreciate the music in a physical way.

Maybe the people I see at the rail are stoned out of their minds, I dunno.

I guess that it was inevitable this would turn into a bitch thread, even though that was not my intent. We had the tall people reply...now I just want to hear from the guys (and a couple of women I saw) at the front rail who looked like they wanted to be anywhere but Atlanta for the entire night.

Here is a crazy thought...could they have been at the front because they were recording????
The headbanging thing is funny - Krusty was standing behind me during Evergrey's set at BWBK in 2003, and I remember him telling me afterwards that he had to time his headbanging to mine so that my hair didn't catch him in the face.

And that's when my hair was still short - it's well past my shoulders again. (I have Perfect Headbanging Hair. I do not, however, have a Perfect Headbanging Neck, alas.)
OK...didn't really read the many, many, many, many replies...but here's an idea...

Maybe Glenn can come up with a separate line and start measuring us...and issue us all different colored badges that segregate us by height...and...he can correspond those badges by colored lines of tape on the floor...and...if you don't have the right colored badge, you can't pass your designated line...and maybe Glenn could hire more security to enforce this policy...and they can be equipped with little Cloth World tape measures to measure potential violators...or maybe he could invest in little velvet ropes...and have VIP passes, GB Gold Velvet passes, GB Green Velvet passes, GB Blue Velvet passes, GB Green Velvet passes, GB Chartreuse Velvet passes...(all passes would have to match the colored tape on the floor and the velvet ropes, of course)...of course, the really tall fuckers can listen to the show via the sound system in Vinyl, but that's OK...because short people rule!

Judging by this post, you would think that the average metal fan is 6'2"...WTF?...my group is pretty short...wife is 5'2"...Rakosh is at least 5'3" (or something)...and I don't think I've ever heard any bitching...

Jeez...can we possibly micro-manage this festival any more?

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
OK...didn't really read the many, many, many, many replies...but here's an idea...

Maybe Glenn can come up with a separate line and start measuring us...and issue us all different colored badges that segregate us by height...and...he can correspond those badges by colored lines of tape on the floor...and...if you don't have the right colored badge, you can't pass your designated line...and maybe Glenn could hire more security to enforce this policy...and they can be equipped with little Cloth World tape measures to measure potential violators...or maybe he could invest in little velvet ropes...and have VIP passes, GB Gold Velvet passes, GB Green Velvet passes, GB Blue Velvet passes, GB Green Velvet passes, GB Chartreuse Velvet passes...(all passes would have to match the colored tape on the floor and the velvet ropes, of course)...of course, the really tall fuckers can listen to the show via the sound system in Vinyl, but that's OK...because short people rule!

Judging by this post, you would think that the average metal fan is 6'2"...WTF?...my group is pretty short...wife is 5'2"...Rakosh is at least 5'3" (or something)...and I don't think I've ever heard any bitching...

Jeez...can we possibly micro-manage this festival any more?

Rock on!
Well, that's a start.
ashaman7122 said:
OK...didn't really read the many, many, many, many replies...but here's an idea...

Maybe Glenn can come up with a separate line and start measuring us...and issue us all different colored badges that segregate us by height...and...he can correspond those badges by colored lines of tape on the floor...and...if you don't have the right colored badge, you can't pass your designated line...and maybe Glenn could hire more security to enforce this policy...and they can be equipped with little Cloth World tape measures to measure potential violators...or maybe he could invest in little velvet ropes...and have VIP passes, GB Gold Velvet passes, GB Green Velvet passes, GB Blue Velvet passes, GB Green Velvet passes, GB Chartreuse Velvet passes...(all passes would have to match the colored tape on the floor and the velvet ropes, of course)...of course, the really tall fuckers can listen to the show via the sound system in Vinyl, but that's OK...because short people rule!

Judging by this post, you would think that the average metal fan is 6'2"...WTF?...my group is pretty short...wife is 5'2"...Rakosh is at least 5'3" (or something)...and I don't think I've ever heard any bitching...

Jeez...can we possibly micro-manage this festival any more?

Rock on!

LOL Priceless
Rakosh said:
Ouch! That hurt...I'm 5'8", thankyewverymuch.

...and just remember us little Davids have ways of bringing those Goliaths down. :grin:


Sorry, man...you're just a diminuative little fucker (with a mighty metal punch!)...no disrespect intended...haha!...well...not really!

Rock on!
Greykiller said:

Sure sounded like you were. If you were not, I am sorry.

I just think that even if there was no bitching, this exactly the kind of post/comments that make people in the board start whining, and it is ridiculous the amount of whining that there is in this board! It's the same thing with the seats thread, it was possibly the dullest, most idiotic thread I've ever seen in this forum! I mean, like someone else said, do we really have to "micromanage" this festival any more? If Glenn says no digital cameras, then no digital cameras, period, don't complain! If there's no seats for you and your group, then guess what? Get there earlier and get those seats! If there's people taller than you in front of you, that's just too bad!

What's the next whining reason in this forum gonna be? People complaining that the alcohol wristband's glue pulls their wrist' hair? That the hallways are always too full of people in between sets? That the area for the vendors is always crowded and "shorter" people won't be able to get closer to the vendors, and then, will lose the chance to buy that limited, special edition album they want so much?
AngraRULES said:
Sure sounded like you were. If you were not, I am sorry.

I just think that even if there was no bitching, this exactly the kind of post/comments that make people in the board start whining, and it is ridiculous the amount of whining that there is in this board!

What's the next whining reason in this forum gonna be? People complaining that the alcohol wristband's glue pulls their wrist' hair? That the hallways are always too full of people in between sets? That the area for the vendors is always crowded and "shorter" people won't be able to get closer to the vendors, and then, will lose the chance to buy that limited, special edition album they want so much?

I already apologised for the thread turning bad. It was not my intent.

I am less than amused by the people who want to turn the thread ugly by just ASSuming what others like me are "really" saying when we ask a question.
When a person asks a question, the response that never works is a variation of "YOU SUCK" written in more prosaic fashion.

I am, at 5'11" the shortest person in my family. I have a brother who is built like a mountain, and two sisters that top 6 feet. We were taught to be respectfull of others in the way they act and think...and that means if a 7 foot tall guy wants to stand at the rail, have fun dood you had to plan your day around getting there first--I applaud your devotion.

I myself have no problem with letting a shorter person stand in front of me; the difference of a foot or two from the stage matters not one bit. I think that I can see everything better from 5 or 8 feet away than I can right on the rail anyway. So yeah if your view of the stage is blocked because you are behind a big bald fuck next september, give me a tap on the shoulder and I will let you stand in front of me.

The PP crowds rock. It sucks to be discourteous.
Greykiller said:
Here is a crazy thought...could they have been at the front because they were recording????

crazy thought indeed... I know a guy who always tapes shows, and I went to a couple with him... he stood stock still for his favorite band, who we flew to Chicago and then drove to Cincinatti to see... because he was taping. Good call.

Bootleggers beware--we're onto you. :loco:
lady_space said:
crazy thought indeed... I know a guy who always tapes shows, and I went to a couple with him... he stood stock still for his favorite band, who we flew to Chicago and then drove to Cincinatti to see... because he was taping. Good call.

Bootleggers beware--we're onto you. :loco:
Hey wait a sec! Do you also go with bootleggers to PP? We're on to you now! j/k :loco:
lady_space said:
crazy thought indeed... I know a guy who always tapes shows, and I went to a couple with him... he stood stock still for his favorite band, who we flew to Chicago and then drove to Cincinatti to see... because he was taping. Good call.

Bootleggers beware--we're onto you. :loco:

Tell you what...a couple of these people I will recognize the second I see them, because they have been to more than one show. They will get a closer perusal by me this time around...and if I suspect anything I will point them out to the bouncers.

Pretty sure PP bootleggers would not read these forums...but in case they do I am telling you now your little business venture will end badly this time around.
Greykiller said:
Tell you what...a couple of these people I will recognize the second I see them, because they have been to more than one show. They will get a closer perusal by me this time around...and if I suspect anything I will point them out to the bouncers.

Pretty sure PP bootleggers would not read these forums...but in case they do I am telling you now your little business venture will end badly this time around.
Sounds like some bootleggers are going to get PWN3D this year! Nothing can get between a Prog Power fan and a VIP pass! :grin: