Tall/Uninterested People at the rail...


Shoot down the UFO's!
Mar 3, 2004
I was reading another thread and what someone posted got me to thinking about starting this thread.

I was wondering if the people who go to PP and do this could tell me WHY they do it:

1. The people well over 6 feet tall who stand at the rail. I get it that you want to be close to the stage, but what about all the people who are 5' nothing or smaller who cannot see because you are on the rail? (I am 6'tall on a good day so I do not mind if I stand 4 feet from the rail--and you guys do not bother me personally). Is it that important to you to get one hand slap from a lead singer that you must be right on the rail?

2. The people who get to the front rail a half hour before showtime, and then look totally disintered in the bands all night long. I mean, it is one thing to stand there for one band you do not like, but all of them?

And yes, before someone comes up with the completely reasonable (and predictable) retorts: "If you want to be on the front rail for YOUR band you will have to get there early and camp out through the ones you do not like" and "Everybody hates bands they will stand through for bands they like," please recall I am asking the people who actually do this as opposed to those who might speculate on their reasons.

Last PP, I was within 5 feet of the stage all night both nights--and recalled seeing a couple of guys and girls who camped out on the rail all night and did not so much as tap a foot for any of the bands. I just thought that was damn strange--far more strange than the guys over 6'5" who just HAVE to be on the front rail, but those people had me wondering, too.
Well I, as someone who frequently tries to be as close as possible will offer the following:

1. Get a gold badge, get there early, and you can be as close as you like. Sorry, but its one of the perks of the GB.

2. Last I checked, everyone else pays the same for their ticket, and therefore has as much right as anyone else to be up front.

3. In regards to people who "did not so much as tap a foot" for any bands. That is just plain ridiculous. I sincerely doubt that was the case for the whole show, and even if it was, who are you to decide how someone else should react during a show. Just because someone pumps their fists to every beat of every song doesnt make them any more of a fan, or any more deserving of being up front. In fact, it probably just mean they're drunk.

Byran, great point about the crutches and wheelchairs.

But seriously, is this the kind of crap that needs to be posted here? An amazing festival, with amazing bands, and great people for 3+ days, and this garbage gets complained about. Honestly...some people just like to nit-pick.

Glenn, I would like to hereby submit a formal complaint about the scent of the urinal cakes in the bathrooms. They smelled tropical, yet I was looking for something a bit more "metal" as far as the bathrooms are concerned.
Jesus, it was a perfectly honest question, it's not a matter of "tall people are assholes for standing in the front" so stop harping on it like it is, don't worry, no one's trying to take away your personal freedoms, but I have oft wondered this, at 5'8, myself, why the fuck people well over 6 feet just HAVE to cram their way up front... It's like, you're fucking tall, let people shorter than you see.

There is nothing worse than watching your favorite band through 2 guys sweaty armpits.

They have the right to be there, but they could be a little more curtious and stand near the middle. I myself, tend to let shorter people ahead of me if there's a band i dont like playing and they're willing to give my spot back.
Every day that a post like this comes up I just realize how, despite being the most awesome crowd I've ever dealt with in a concert, is also the most spoiled crowd I've ever seen in my life... Complain about not having seats together, tall people on the rail (although I do think you have a valid point on people being there uninterested)

But anyway...come on people... Quit bickering and complaining for these little things... seriously, lots of grown up men here(not pointing fingers any one specific) sound like little girls complaining about some stuff...

Sorry if I "offended" anyone, I just feel some of these complains/thoughts are not 100, but 200% useless. Quit the bitching and enjoy the festival =)
There is nothing worse than watching your favorite band through 2 guys sweaty armpits.
Welcome to my world. :yuk:

Tall people have as much right to the rail as anyone else. That said, I hate them all! :lol:

Special thanks to the two guys at the Strato concert in Tavastia May '04 who actually SAW me peeking under their armpits and pushed me in front of them! :worship: It' will probably never happen again.
I can deal with tall people. (of course, I'm tall.) It's the uninterested people that annoy me. If you aren't into the band, get the hell out of the way so that the people that ARE can enjoy them. Just step back a couple rows and move forward again when they're done.

When Evergrey was on the death metal tour a couple years ago, there were three rows of people at Jaxx standing there... arms crossed... dead stares.... no response. Would they let anyone close to the stage for a measly half an hour? Hell no. I wanted to grind my size 12 Docs on each and every set of toes that wouldn't get out of the way.
I'm 6'1", and there is nothing better than being as close as possible to your favorite band... and yep, ya gotta camp there all night if your fav band is near the end. Fortunetly, friday night features ALL my favorite bands, so that works out really well ;)

That said... I'm a nice guy, and if I notice any little people I let em in front.
Greykiller said:
I was reading another thread and what someone posted got me to thinking about starting this thread.

1. The people well over 6 feet tall who stand at the rail. I get it that you want to be close to the stage, but what about all the people who are 5' nothing or smaller who cannot see because you are on the rail?

I'm 6'3, and I'm either in the middle of the pack for the bands I like, or at the front for the bands I love. Although I have a GB, I don't camp out all night. HOWEVER, if I did . . . . where do I draw the line about whom to let in front of me? Only people 5'5" and under? Anyone shorter than me? Do I let just one person in front of me? What if there is another 5' person there, Maybe two? Hey, eventually, I could be in the back of the crowd.

I like being tall. Wish I were taller, actually. I feel bad if I block someone's view, but that's the way things are. I've let people in front of me, or ducked down at the railing, but I won't let every shorter person in front of me.

Greykiller said:
2. The people who get to the front rail a half hour before showtime, and then look totally disintered in the bands all night long. I mean, it is one thing to stand there for one band you do not like, but all of them?

And who are you to decide if that person is having a good time? Are you the party police? "I'm sorry sir, but you weren't swaying enough to the music, so you must not be worthy of the rail." If people want to camp out, you just have to deal with it, whether they stand there with their arms folder, or start a mosh pit.

I'm waiting for Swordlord to reply, since some of this is obviously directed at him (not that I've ever seen him NOT looking like he was into the music! :headbang:

Steve in Philly
rockyracoon said:
Glenn, I would like to hereby submit a formal complaint about the scent of the urinal cakes in the bathrooms. They smelled tropical, yet I was looking for something a bit more "metal" as far as the bathrooms are concerned.

Jack Daniels scented cakes?

It's not about the scent, it's about the FLAVOR! :D

Greykiller said:
1. The people well over 6 feet tall who stand at the rail. I get it that you want to be close to the stage, but what about all the people who are 5' nothing or smaller who cannot see because you are on the rail? (I am 6'tall on a good day so I do not mind if I stand 4 feet from the rail--and you guys do not bother me personally). Is it that important to you to get one hand slap from a lead singer that you must be right on the rail?

I'm genuinely mildly upset by this. I'm 6'5".

For the last two ProgPowers, I've been on the barrier (rail is on a bar, thank you) for the vast majority of the show. It's the only place to be. If you are going to go to a general admission show, I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to be right down in front where the action is at it's peak.

In order to make sure I get a good spot, I've done two things -- #1, I've purchased a gold badge to get early access and #2, I arrive early, I find my spot and I stay there. It's not any mystery as to how these things are accomplished. ProgPower draws 1500 people -- if you want a good spot, you are going to have to work for it.

I can't help it that I'm tall. I make no apologies for it just the way short people should not make apologies for their height. If you can't see over me, move 12 inches to the side.

I'm done ranting...
well, im 14...but hell, i find a way to see...it's an unfair question to ask them to be further away cos of their height...ill get there someday...

but, the concerts ive been to people are generally quite considerate that i used to be (im gettin there now) a wee little kid, and generally make room for me :D
I've always been up front even for bands I don't like. I still try to be enthusiastic. As long as people don't insult the bands they don't like I don't have a problem with them being uninterested.
Okay... I have to pitch in here. Without heels on, I'm just shy of 5'11". With heels, I'm anywhere from 6'2-6'4 depending on the heel. I'm the type that will ask if the people around/behind me can see okay. If not, I have no issues with trading places so they can enjoy the show as much as I hope to. If that means I end up further away from the front row, it's not a big deal to me. Because I can usually see over many of the heads banging during a show, the side or the back of the floor area is my typical favorite locale.

And hey... Maybe some of the people who don't appear to be getting into the show that much are just stunned motionless by the level of musicianship they're seeing displayed before them.
I'm over 6'2...I don't have a gold badge, I paid my dues last year by standing in the crowd for my not favorite bands, slowly edging closer, and getting a rail spot for Therion. It was the only place I could headbang to my fullest without hitting anyone, I didn't let anyone by, and I make no apologies for it.
Being 6'4" (and when wearing cowboy boots a bit taller than that) I think the main thing to remember is.....

...if you wanna see the band, you need to be tall. If you're short, you should just listen to pop or something.

When I nearly got crushed to death at the Stratovarius concert in September, I vowed that I would never again go to the stage. This 6'0, 300 lb teddy bear will be very content to watching the show from the seats. When I start buying my Gold Badge (Glenn said in about 2 years), I will CONTINUE to sit in the seats. I want to EXPERIENCE the event, not BE the event. If you can't get to the rail, get to the seats and soak it ALL IN!

Ray C.