Tattoo designs online?


Active Member
Jul 31, 2002
I'm looking for a web page with tattoo designs but I've had no luck myself. Does anybody know of any good pages on the internet that have pictures of tattoos? Hell, if you know of any tattoo publications that aren't too hard to get ahold of, that will work as well.
Sonnenritter said:
Indeed, there are some good tattoos on there. These two have been my favourites so far.[/QUOTE]

Heh...very nice but painful looking.
Do you have any tattoos? I don't because I have no idea what to get ( I don't want any old design that I may regret in the future ) and I picture what they'll look like on my skin as I turn into an old woman.
Yeah, I've seen Paul Booth's tattoos.. they're all great and all, but he's already booked up for I think around a year and after that, it would probably be about $300 to $500 dollars an hour.
manuelgv said:
SculptedCold said it right
get the design and get it done somewhere else town drunk

manuelgv said is right. :p

Paul Booth is just a designer label; you're paying for a name, not a tattoo. Take some of his ideas, shop around until you see an artist with photos of good work, and see what you come up with.