What did you mean by "yeah, no" ?
I was kinda confused by the guitars and the low and higher riffage ... the 7string explains that one
Yeah, the vocals need some serious upgrade, and always remember to never put ANY effect on the stuff if you wan't it done by someone else, also avoid to cup the mic and/or do any other wierd shit with it ...
Btw., Whats up with double tracked guitars ?
Did I sweat it or didn't you do any ?
yeah, no to the funky flange you did, i know it wasn't serious.
yeah i really wish i could get hold of the guy with the vocal files, he actually did some multitracking on some parts and a full clean uncupped track. but he's an elusive bastard.
sounds like you know what you're doing with the drums, on my original drum track i used XLN and it was easier to get a more natural sound, velocity levels were easier to control; with SD2.0 it's very sensitive, especially uncompressed, and i just couldn't get those blasts sounding as real as i could with XLN. maybe you can manage it.
as for guitars i recorded both my part and the other guitarists part once only.
the sound i'd most like to achieve is something similar to Job for a Cowboy's Ruination sound, how possible that is with midi... im not sure. but i know the guitars were 5150 II through mesa4x12 and maxon OD808. it would be cool if jason suecof did a mix for me... Jason... if you're out there?