What did you mean by "yeah, no" ?

I was kinda confused by the guitars and the low and higher riffage ... the 7string explains that one :D

Yeah, the vocals need some serious upgrade, and always remember to never put ANY effect on the stuff if you wan't it done by someone else, also avoid to cup the mic and/or do any other wierd shit with it ...

Btw., Whats up with double tracked guitars ?
Did I sweat it or didn't you do any ?

yeah, no to the funky flange you did, i know it wasn't serious.

yeah i really wish i could get hold of the guy with the vocal files, he actually did some multitracking on some parts and a full clean uncupped track. but he's an elusive bastard.

sounds like you know what you're doing with the drums, on my original drum track i used XLN and it was easier to get a more natural sound, velocity levels were easier to control; with SD2.0 it's very sensitive, especially uncompressed, and i just couldn't get those blasts sounding as real as i could with XLN. maybe you can manage it.

as for guitars i recorded both my part and the other guitarists part once only.

the sound i'd most like to achieve is something similar to Job for a Cowboy's Ruination sound, how possible that is with midi... im not sure. but i know the guitars were 5150 II through mesa4x12 and maxon OD808. it would be cool if jason suecof did a mix for me... Jason... if you're out there?
It was recorded a few years ago now but as i recall I used my Ibanez RG7321 with Seymour Duncan SH-1 59 (7 string) through an MBOX 2 mini and planetwaves cables. i used jazz III picks and elixir .11 strings. i was wearing jeans and a t shirt and i think most of the recording was done on a winter afternoon somewhere in Bolton UK. afterwards i watched Dog the Bounty Hunter and ate some chips. hope that's a specific enough answer for you.

Thanks! That was more than specific enough but I just have to ask the following:

What brand of jeans, what kind of t-shirt (cotton I guess?)and about what time in the winter? Also, does it have to be in Bolton? Oh yeah, what episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter and what flavor of chips? Kettle cooked or regular? If I eat Pringles will it effect the midrange? :tickled:
yeah, no to the funky flange you did, i know it wasn't serious.

yeah i really wish i could get hold of the guy with the vocal files, he actually did some multitracking on some parts and a full clean uncupped track. but he's an elusive bastard.

sounds like you know what you're doing with the drums, on my original drum track i used XLN and it was easier to get a more natural sound, velocity levels were easier to control; with SD2.0 it's very sensitive, especially uncompressed, and i just couldn't get those blasts sounding as real as i could with XLN. maybe you can manage it.

as for guitars i recorded both my part and the other guitarists part once only.

the sound i'd most like to achieve is something similar to Job for a Cowboy's Ruination sound, how possible that is with midi... im not sure. but i know the guitars were 5150 II through mesa4x12 and maxon OD808. it would be cool if jason suecof did a mix for me... Jason... if you're out there?

Actually I was thinking to go there last evening myself :D
I have a ruination-like kick sample to blend in .
I'll try to work it into that direction ... the guitars where ENGL still (I thought about more of a Necrophagist sound intentionally), but now that I know what you want I can go more specific.
I'd probably also be cool if some dude who's really in posession of that guitar chain (I know a lot of people here are) could reamp it and I could use his guitars.
Im seeking for a 5150 for months now but I just haven't gotten a good offer yet.
There is definately room for improvements on the drums, thats no problem.

I'd be cool of Suecof was around, yeah :D
Yeah, I did that too, they really go all over the place ... the songs speed is 125 double time :D

I went over it and Suecof'd it up a bit, the drums are a little loud but thats for judgement purposes only ...
Guitars are also redone, but I can only beat the dead horse so much, it won't sound like a 5150 thru a Mesa and I won't break out Revalver for now :D

I really got tonedeaf yesterday working on two projects till my ears bleed, the drums where really bad (especially the snare) and had way to much room, making them sound like a wierd sustaining noise rather than indiviual hits at that speed ...
You can now also decifer between usual blasts and bomb blasts, which was impossible on the last one.

Vocals are still ass, but I have stopped working on them since there's hope of getting the upgraded tracks.

Btw. that you where tracking this in jeans irritates me a bit, when iam to puch in some techdeath I ONLY do it in boxers.
Not even jogging pants are chilled enough for the job ...
Here's my go at it. It's 5:30am my time btw. My lady needs to come back to our apartment from her family's house so I can start living a normal life again, lol.

I'm not sure if I have the drums sorted perfectly yet, but its so chaotic that it works either way ha. Mixed on headphones (cans for you brits)

Unmastered mix (better sounding, but not as loud, obviously). CRANK THIS SHIT!

"Mastered mix." Little t-racks and ozone cocktail. Shit, but loud as shit, haha. I hate what this did to my drums, but I didn't spend on time on the chain/settings.
Second mix: master.mp3

I toned down the bass end a lot (using some bass-heavy headphones really helped). Better? Still using your drums, sadly I don't have any drum VSTi's on this comp (the other one is broken).

Edit: Oh and I have to say I really apprecieate how you listen to everyones mix and post your opinions, that's awesome.
Second mix: master.mp3

I toned down the bass end a lot (using some bass-heavy headphones really helped). Better? Still using your drums, sadly I don't have any drum VSTi's on this comp (the other one is broken).

Edit: Oh and I have to say I really apprecieate how you listen to everyones mix and post your opinions, that's awesome.

Theres still a big load of bass in your mix, and I mean that in the instrument way.
Its also kinda loose which doesn't really help it either.
I'd aim for a more compressed low-end.
Late to the game, but I liked this song so I wanted to try my hand at it. I didn't mess much with the drums, using the original submix, . The imported MIDI wasn't jiving with my maps, and I didn't want to mess with it. I think the OP's mix sounded good...and I tend to like forward vocals, even in death metal, so this may not be everyone's taste (I noticed some had the vocals a bit more tucked).

Anyway, here it is:
i just found this, think i overlooked it but wow! im loving this. i can't give much technical criticism at the moment but as soon as i listen through some decent monitors i'll tell you what i think, hopefully someone else will give you their opinion in the meantime.

in fact, can you tell us more about this mix?

Kinda nice, but I think the guitar is a little bit on the low end of things, and the drums have wierd master compressed feel to them.
I'd say you should take some compression of the top mics and compress the bottom or side ones more (if you can :D).
I heard this sound a lot over the last mixing "entries" here ... is that the Addictive Drums that makes it sound like that ?
Or is that the original drums (I instantly dumped them because I wanted to mix drums anyways) ?
I personally don't like it so much, the same thing goes for toms and even somewhat on the kick.
It sounds very ... full, but not punchy, yet somewhat clicky and unnatural, its very hard to explain.
But I think thats all a matter of taste, I'm sure there is a lot of people who dig the compressed snare.

/ guess its the original file, the two guys above me have the same thing going on :D
// for the vocals ... mine are turned down so much because I didn't like em, and I'm not so much of a vocal producer to make them sound reasonable in this mix ...
Kinda not for me ... especially the on and off cupping is really annoying.
I'm also used to way lower pitch in Songs like these, there where no real "lows" in the song and I just happen to really dislike highs in most cases (well, except for Job For a Cowboy maybe :D).
gave it a quick shot, this is the first mix that I've posted on the forum :) . Haven't messed with the vocals at all. Just seeing if I'm heading in the right direction, really fun song tho.

the snare is farrrr too roomy, sounds like a man hitting a cardboard box in a church. the bass is a little loud and the guitars are a little bright but that might be just in comparison to the rest of the mix which is very boomy. good points though - i kinda like the kick (when it comes through) and i think it has potential. sort out that snare!
added another with a tad bit more high end in mastering, as it seems most on here are a little more bright than my first mix...

thanks for the nice feedback, i agree with you on most of what you're saying. forward vocals are good. I'm personally a big fan of this guy's singing, which is why i was in a band with him. there's no fry screaming or lame singing with him, it's just sheer violence.

your mix i thought was good, the guitars are tight. i know everyone says with a tech track you need to find a good balance with the gain on the guitars so that the notes come through but i think maybe your guitars sound a bit thin.

Rough mix so far. It's ehhhhh.

Also could you upload just the MIDI for superior to Dropbox without Quicktime? I can't download it, and would really like to mess with these drums, as the song is killer. SD2.0 Midi.mid
right click - save as??

so far your mix is ok but those guitars have some very strange EQ that doesn't agree with my ears and it's very hard to listen to. interesting what you did with the spoken word. i think the levels of everything are fine, the vocals sit nicely, could maybe be brighter