House Minority Leader John Boehner is my choice. He's almost as gutsy as Ron Paul.
If America is forced to live with a sham two-party political system (which is more akin to the old Good Cop, Bad Cop charade than a real separation of ideologies), then people like John Boehner, Ron Paul, and maybe one or two others are all we have.
Ted Nugent speaks common sense fluently.
The only hope America has is a return to grassroots Constitutional awareness, which is what the Tea Parties are all about. Common, ordinary, REAL people are returning to the Federalist Papers, the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Declaration, and other such documents -- and they're waking up to the fact that Washington stole their country.
My mother was a staunch Obama supporter. She thought the man was God incarnate. But that was because she listened only to mainstream media, reading only mainstream media newspapers and publications, and watched only mainstream media news sources. Since then, thanks to a constant barrage of links to alternative news sources, urgings to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage, reading Mark R. Levin's essential book [ame=""]Tyranny and Liberty: A Conservative Manifesto[/ame], and listening to friends who offer contrary ideas, her eyes have been opened. She actually said recently, "That man [Obama] scares me." I just got an e-mail from her this morning warning people about Obama's impending health-care debacle.
People like Ted Nugent are sorely needed in today's brain-dead, media-dumbed society. I detest mainstream media. They say nothing so loudly and so often that people believe nothing. So I always love it when Ted speaks his mind. His book is great. His ideas are spot-on. Long live Uncle Ted!