Ted Nugent talks about our eroding rights

Michael Steele is an idiot. Just listen to him talk. He just likes to shout insults and use playground quality arguments. Ron Paul for 2012!
Nothin' wrong with that! :kickass:


My only issue is a few of the Libertarian party lines that put the focus, not on what needs to happen now, but more on their pet projects that should be after-thought mentions. Then again, I'm probably still peeved about them, having had to 'attend' their nomination party just because it was in the same hotel where I worked. Talk about rampant nutjobs without their handlers.
My only issue is a few of the Libertarian party lines that put the focus, not on what needs to happen now, but more on their pet projects that should be after-thought mentions.

Wouldn't that apply to any party and for all politicians? :lol:

Then again, I'm probably still peeved about them, having had to 'attend' their nomination party just because it was in the same hotel where I worked. Talk about rampant nutjobs without their handlers.

Again, you're describing all parties. :)

Ted Nugent isnt talking politics, hes talking COMMON SENSE. something that is desperately lacking in society.

As for "this guy for president, or that guy for president".....they are all puppets on a string. None of them have whats best for the common man at heart. Its all about power, greed, and corruption. They can all suck a dick.
l like Newt...he comes across like he would put a political bitch slapping on somebody that didn't have the best interests of the people. Definitely has the kahunas...but he also has some skeletons, which may keep him from getting the job.

Agreed, and that's a shame. (His voice doesn't do him any favors either, sadly enough.)

I saw him speak once at the Nebula Awards Banquet as the keynote speaker and he was brilliant. All the liberal SF writers walked out during his speech...and thereby missed something extraordinary and almost completely nonpolitical, except for a few jabs at...himself.

That is a true statement, Arnie can't run for president Thank God, he has ruined California, just ask Colleen.

In fairness to the Govunator, California has done a pretty good job of ruining itself. The funny thing is, Obama has stated that he wants the whole country to emulate California. (!)

If the GOP wanted to run a good black candidate, they'd somehow convince Herman Cain to run.....but I doubt it would happen.

As for conservatives I'd consider voting for....despite my well-known aversion to the moral majority crowd, I have to say I liked the cut of Mike Huckabee's jib during the primary campaigns....always seemed more open and honest than, say, Romney.

It won't matter a hill of beans, of course. The media will continue to prop Obama up as long as it's technically feasible.

Anyone see any news coverage on the anti-Obama demonstration in the heart of Chicago recently, drawing several hundred people (just from the photos I saw, it could well have been more)?

I thought not.
As for conservatives I'd consider voting for....despite my well-known aversion to the moral majority crowd, I have to say I liked the cut of Mike Huckabee's jib during the primary campaigns....always seemed more open and honest than, say, Romney.

Oh ugh. The last thing we need in the White House is a fat white old christian. He's a narrow minded hate machine. I can't stand him or his ilk. I'd rather choke on razor blades than vote for this jackass.
Oh ugh. The last thing we need in the White House is a fat white old christian. He's a narrow minded hate machine. I can't stand him or his ilk. I'd rather choke on razor blades than vote for this jackass.

Nailz come on, now you're making yourself sound like a total bomb thrower. Do you honestly think that all Christian's are narrow minded hate machines or is it simply Huckabee that you don't like? I truly hope it's the latter.

Nailz come on, now you're making yourself sound like a total bomb thrower. Do you honestly think that all Christian's are narrow minded hate machines or is it simply Huckabee that you don't like? I truly hope it's the latter.


Not at all, just ones who biblethump and spew hate rhetoric. Kinda like Mike. Anyone noticed as soon as he lost the election he put back on the 150 pounds he lost? I lol'd when I saw that. Blah blah blah, I feel great, blah blah blah I'm so healthy. Oh fuck I lost, where are my donuts? Fuck you, you lying hypocritical fuck.

I suppose a slender, young black Christian would be a much better choice-- oh, wait.

At this point, my love affair with Obama has pretty much gone down the shitter, as well as any hope for either party. Too many broken/shelved promises, specifically the Defense of Marriage Act signing and the complete blowoff/sidestep of action on Dont ask Dont Tell make me sick. Frankly, on a side note, I think he's an atheist (or perhaps a Deist), myself, and only claims to be religious to keep up appearances. I like his health care policy, but I don't like the fact that not everyone shares the burden. The faster we do away with bullshit stockholder health-denial, the better. Let them retool and do their god damned job if they want to survive. Conservatives who cry and bemoan that they'll go out of business need to get off the Glenn Beck soundbyte train and remember they're still an option. Who knows, maybe they'll stop denying cancer treatment because someone had a pre-existing condition of being fucking alive.
Religious right or liberal left to me they are both one in the same. They both spew hate laced opinions, one at people that don't worship and attend the same church or have the same religious beliefs as them and would let their chruch run them (one religion comes to mind), the other throws hate at the big business, people with money, and also if you don't have the same opinions as they do you are evil. So what is the answer? You got me, I want a candiate that will uphold the constitution, and live by it, and run this country as our founders meant it to be, is that to much to ask. I may be old school politics, but hey It is the way i feel, and the way i want my country to run.

I maybe wrong in my opinion and my beliefs on government, and i make take a lot of heat for what i just said, but that is what makes the USA so great, I can say that, without fear of censor, just opposing opinions. Also i do believe in "ONE NATION UNDER GOD WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL", and also "IN GOD WE TRUST, ALL OTHERS PAY CASH"
Wouldn't that apply to any party and for all politicians? :lol:

Yes, which is why my voting record is all over the place. The Libertarian party likes to tout itself as the anti-party, but ohhhhhh look! It's just like everyone else.

Again, you're describing all parties. :)


At what point did I say the other ones weren't like that? ;)
And I believe in the seperation of church and state. ;)

Did you know both of those things were added in the 1950's?

Yes I did, and I too believe in seperation of Church and state. But to me, and remember this is my opinion and belief. I believe that any Church or religion has no business meddling in Government, but we must have a faith in God. Am i religious? Not religious but spiritual, I do believe in a god.
The less government the better in my opinion.

Take a look at this impending disaster -- the healthcare organizational chart under Obamacare -- and weep:


tom ridge. all the way

House Minority Leader John Boehner is my choice. He's almost as gutsy as Ron Paul.

If America is forced to live with a sham two-party political system (which is more akin to the old Good Cop, Bad Cop charade than a real separation of ideologies), then people like John Boehner, Ron Paul, and maybe one or two others are all we have.

Ted Nugent speaks common sense fluently.

The only hope America has is a return to grassroots Constitutional awareness, which is what the Tea Parties are all about. Common, ordinary, REAL people are returning to the Federalist Papers, the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Declaration, and other such documents -- and they're waking up to the fact that Washington stole their country.

My mother was a staunch Obama supporter. She thought the man was God incarnate. But that was because she listened only to mainstream media, reading only mainstream media newspapers and publications, and watched only mainstream media news sources. Since then, thanks to a constant barrage of links to alternative news sources, urgings to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage, reading Mark R. Levin's essential book [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Liberty-Tyranny-Conservative-Mark-Levin/dp/1416562850/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1248705540&sr=1-1"]Tyranny and Liberty: A Conservative Manifesto[/ame], and listening to friends who offer contrary ideas, her eyes have been opened. She actually said recently, "That man [Obama] scares me." I just got an e-mail from her this morning warning people about Obama's impending health-care debacle.

People like Ted Nugent are sorely needed in today's brain-dead, media-dumbed society. I detest mainstream media. They say nothing so loudly and so often that people believe nothing. So I always love it when Ted speaks his mind. His book is great. His ideas are spot-on. Long live Uncle Ted!

Rush Limbaugh? That man has the credibility of an oxycodone addict. The spewing of his thoughts is like a pus infected wound on this country, and the more people listen, the more wreched and stupid they become. Think: Saruman poisoning Theoden. Obama was supposed to be our Gandalf, but he's quickly becoming Elrond.

(lol I am a huge nerd.)