I don't know you, but yes, if you actually think that Hannity, Coulter, and Limbaugh are truthful then you have to be dumb.
It's not a matter of political bias, it's a matter of being suckered into idiocy and half-truths made by these guys. It's a sad state of affairs when comedians like Colbert/Stewart/Maher are more objective than the people who pretend to be journalists (that includes MSNBC along with Fox News).
What most people don't know, is that most of these guys like Hannity and Coulter were actually quite moderate at one point (I've listened to Hannity on the radio for about 10 years and before he blew up like he did, he was much more relaxed and moderate), but once they got syndicated they become sick disgusting ratings whores lying off their asses to get whatever word in they could so their inbred trailer trash fanbase (not saying that any of you guys are amongst that crowd by the way, I'm not gonna make that judgement since I don't know ya, but that group exists and they ain't Obama fans) could keep tuning in. Hell, Bill Maher and Coulter actually dated at one point and when she'd comment on his show, she'd STILL be all lovey dovey and bend over to him. They purposely spew crap to their "base" to make money.
None of these hacks talk with any factual accuracy whatsoever. I pretty much debunked Rush's entire interview with Gretta Van Sustren (who used to work for CNN as a liberal LOL -- more proof that you've all been duped by these nutjobs) last week in my sleep.
That's an extremely dangerous combination, one shared only by the governments of China, Russia, North Korea, and Venezuela among other totalitarian/socialist countries.
Dude, you've been spouting about how factually competent you are and you don't know the difference between socialism and communism, NONE of you guys do it seems. Please stop posting about something you know nothing about. Among countless other things, if it wasn't for socialism, bands like Opeth wouldn't be able to tour etc. Alot of countries' goverments award money to bands who originate from there to tour, produce videos etc. Idiotic neocons PURPOSELY confuse socialism for communism to use it as a buzzword and protect greedy ass corporations who don't contribute to society and live to make a profit. Countries like Sweden, Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, are socialist and their citizens have a higher quality of life than we do. Russia and North Korea are ruled by a communist/dictatorship.
What do you think having a government fire department and a police department is? That's socialism. And Neocons that say "DO WE WANT BUREAUCRATS CONTROLING OUR HEALTHCARE WHEN THEY CANT EVEN RUN THE DMV." Yeah, our government is really incompetent, look at our MILLITARY.../sarcasm.
Corporations are fucking awful. The way we've corpratized everything from drinking water to healthcare to prisons is disgusting. There's nothing wrong with making some money, and I believe that capitalism can be a beautiful thing, but we have taken it to the absolute extreme and it's pretty sickening.
Sure the dollar sustains our country just like our sex drive sustains our human race. That doesn't mean we go out having sex with everything that moves, so why should we try to make a fucking profit off everything that exists?
Yes I did, and I too believe in seperation of Church and state. But to me, and remember this is my opinion and belief. I believe that any Church or religion has no business meddling in Government, but we must have a faith in God. Am i religious? Not religious but spiritual, I do believe in a god.
The very definition of religion is something that requires you to believe in a spiritual reality. Religion and spirituality are interchangeable. And the idea that everyone HAS to believe in a god is also quite sickening. You're more than welcome to believe whatever you want and you'll have my utmost respect, but don't try to convert me to your beliefs please.
People who seriously think that Obama was going to change the world in 6 months are insane. People who attack the mainstream media, who were all on Bush's teat when he was elected, and against Gore, are misguided. You are all liars and hypocrites if you support this extremist, idiotic garbage.
Full disclosure by the way -- I am not liberal. I'm a registered independent.