Tell me about these black metal bands

1. AVENGER - Slovakian Black with Thrash influence. They live here in US now. Very tight sound.

2. BESTIAL WARLUST - rrggghhh!! Killer stuff from down under. Another Black Thrash hybrid. Members of DESTROYER 666.

3. BLUT AUS NORD - Frist two were amazing, then I wasn't impressed. "Ultima Thule" is a must.

4. CRYPTIC WINTERMOON - Does nothing for me. So I won't say anything.

5. CULT OF DAATH - One of USBM best kept secrets. Wargoat Obscurum (drums) has played for NACHTMYSTIUM and KRIEG. Very dirty sound and very evil.

6. DEATHSPELL OMEGA - I think they are overrated. I like them but not the way others do. They have the Finish BM sound to them.

7. DUSK (Hungarian BM, not the doom band) - YES!! A Regimental picked this one up today.

8. EIKENSKADEN - Very good stuff. Extremely raw production. I believe they are now MYSTIC FOREST.

9. EMINENZ - Great stuff. Good old German BM.

10. ENTHRAL - BM with keyboards, has a guy from the old DIMMU ORGIR line-up.

11. ETHEREAL WOODS - Awesome atmospheric Black Metal. I know you like DRUDKH, so check these guys out.

12. FROSTMOON ECLIPSE (Italian BM) - Excellent sound and production. The older one had very cool acoustic guitar laid over the electric guitars. Very unique style and sound.

13. HILLS OF SEFIROTH - USBM. I highly recommened this band. Much like CULT OF DAATH and JUDAS ISCARIOUT.

14. JUDAS ISCARIOT - A staple for USBM. Everything is amazing. "Dethroned Conquered and Forgotten" MCD is on my all time favorites list.

15. LEGION OF DOOM - Greek NSBM. You got this today.

16. LUCIFUGUM - NOKTURNAL MORTUM members. Amazing style, sound and attitude. One of my favorites.

17. LUGUBRUM - Belgian BM. Pretty crazy stuff. There influences are really reflected in the music.

18. MIASTHENIA - Female fronted South American BM. I like them.

19. MYRDDRAAL - I believe this is the Australian band. Very good material, if I am thinking of the right band.


21. NEHEMAH - Killer stuff from France. Remind me of DARKTHRONE and TSJUDER.

22. NERTHUS - German band (I think), pretty lame in my opinion.

23. NUMEN - Has the guy from ELFFOR in the band. NUMEN sucks in my opinion. ELFFOR is recommended for fand of new BURZUM, early MORTIIS stuff.

24. RADIGOST - Quality Russian stuff. Some thrashy parts. Decent.

25. RAGNAROK - Never really got into them. Have their stuff though, just never sucked me in.

26. REALM OF CARNIVORA - GREAT! Killer stuff from Estonia. Everytihng about this band is perfect. Member of MUST MISSA and URT.

27. RESUSCITATOR - American Death Metal with BM touches.

28. RIGER - You would like this, reminds me of FALKENBACH and THYRFING.

29. SADORASS - Great stuff. I heard they were NS but not sure. Nice Pagan BM sound and song structure.

30. SALTUS - Another of my favorites. "Savonic Pride" is amzing from begining to end. Some acoustic tracks. They are NS.
i dont understand how that many BM bands can survive. gugs just posted 30 of them. how is that possible?
yeah, thats what i meant. i cant understand it. would it be stating the obvious that this cant be the only source of income for these folks? am i rite?
dorian gray said:
yeah, thats what i meant. i cant understand it. would it be stating the obvious that this cant be the only source of income for these folks? am i rite?

There are probably less than 100 BM bands on earth that survive off their music, and I'm probably way overestimating even that #
Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just a little uncertain after hearing that Mikael Åkerfeldt had to sell his rare vinyls to get some extra cash.

Incredible what you can find out at the Opeth forum! :p
Birkenau said:
Are Samael worth checking out, if so, what release?

I've not heard a single song by Samael, but by the looks of reader feedback at metal archives, their 1st 3 full-lengths are all must-owns.

Worship Him, 1990
Blood Ritual, 1992
Ceremony of Opposites, 1994