TESTAMENT: East Coast Dates Announced - May 14, 2007

I cant wait for someone to legitimately make a thread titled something along the lines of "Testament: Album release date announced......."
Hi there 'Lioness'. I'm seriously thinking about attending this show. If I drove & met you near the venue, could you show me around. Seriously.


I'd love to, but I might not have much time before the show, since I'll come with *them* to the venue early and prolly help my friend with the merch...
BUT: if you will come early, I'll see what I can do about letting you in early so you can check the sound check :D
I'm not asking for a "date". I just want to meet some cool "METALHEADZ" & have a good time. I'm 34 and "Lioness" is probably way younger. I'm not trying to hit on "Lioness". I just want to meet anyone ( girls or guys/ preferably girls) who have the same interests as myself.


heh, don't worry, I'm not one to think that every one who is "nice" is hitting on me or asking for a date haha.
BUT, thanks for the compliment about saying I'm "much younger"
hehehe :goggly:
I'd love to, but I might not have much time before the show, since I'll come with *them* to the venue early and prolly help my friend with the merch...
BUT: if you will come early, I'll see what I can do about letting you in early so you can check the sound check :D

So Karen, If I do make the double trip, and follow you guys back, put in a good word for me to check out sound check too please. :rock: :lol: :rock:

Hopefully Chuck and the guys will come outside after the show like NM did and we can get more group pic's. That would rock! I have not had the pleasure to meet any of band, this would just be awsome!
you do realize some pathetic low lives cruise message boards looking for true love? in a fit of rejected love rage you could be violently raped... just sayin'

Since I'll still be here in Towson during that time, those traveling a way are welcome to stay at my place for a night. Yes. I'm inviting strangers into my home. :)

As always, I'll be wearing my Iced Earth shirt. You people best find me during the show!

Hiya Jace, I usually use my hotel points for free nights, but if a group is gonna have a "sleepover" I am in! This would be cool.

BTW, inviting strangers isn't all that bad, I invited our own Will and his friend last year and we had a great time. :kickass:
Nope no micro, this was during Will's cross country trip. I was the first stop here in Cleveland, we had steaks (well his veggie friend did not) and Heinikin's. Then while the friend watched a movie, Will and I went into my basement/jamroom and proceeded to jam our asses off! That was a fun time!
Hiya Jace, I usually use my hotel points for free nights, but if a group is gonna have a "sleepover" I am in! This would be cool.

BTW, inviting strangers isn't all that bad, I invited our own Will and his friend last year and we had a great time. :kickass:

It would be a lot of fun. Maybe we can convince Laura, Karen, and RedKaf to get their tooshies here. :) Plus there'll be the boyfriend, Nicholas. He's not on the boards, but a true Neverhead to boot.
Nope no micro, this was during Will's cross country trip. I was the first stop here in Cleveland, we had steaks (well his veggie friend did not) and Heinikin's. Then while the friend watched a movie, Will and I went into my basement/jamroom and proceeded to jam our asses off! That was a fun time!

hell yeah, man. even though I don't talk to that guy anymore, the people i met and the things ive done on that trip will always be remembered.

i'm bound to take another trip like that at some point... can't wait