Testament's influence on modern metal.


Nov 19, 2001
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I've been noticing a heavy Testament influence on just about every Swedish Melodic death band, and on alot of American bands as well. In fact I would go as far to say, that Testament is becoming as influential of a thrash band as Metallica and Slayer- were and still are to so many metal bands.
Ha ha, my band is now covering DNR, we all fucking love TesAmenT. They are the best thing to come out of that whole era, well them and AnthraX. The bands that REALLY, REALLY influence me as a guitarist/songwriter/lyricist are TestAment(duh), Arch Enemy esp. the album Stigmata, Nevermore, DEATH!, AnthraX, Opeth, Megadeth-well at least Rust In Peace, Slayer, well you can see it is a lot of fuckin bands.

Let me just say this, Jeff Loomis owns, and Eric Peterson OWNS! THe best songwriters in metal right now IMO.
Love 'em.. To me they're up there with Metallica (of the 80s), Pantera (of the 90s :)), Slayer, Anthrax. Wouldn't say they're the best - but they're up there.