Testing LeCto, it's awesome!


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria

Quadtracked, 2x Vintage 2x Moden Channel.
LePou did an awesome job with this betaversion.

Impulses: Gregs beta impulse & s-preshigh

Songwise it's one of the rare times I did something in B Flat (fresh strings on the B guitar thats why I used it), I feel more comfortable in higher tunings. Usually only dualtrack, and its not asstight^^
Put together some Riffideas, gonna work a bit more in it in the future.
Only ptiched guitar as bass for now.
Mix is a quick one (guess its too bright), but I figured out I post it anyway :)

cheers Marco
holy fuck it sounds amazing! Lecto is the rectifier sim by the allmighty lepou, it's in beta now, go grab it.
Fuckin awesome. This is the future.

Indeed. I'm really impressed with this sim...it's been a LONG LONG time since I tried out a recto, but for me LeCto feels really good :D
It's also VERY versatile, like the real deal I guess ;)

Whats LeCto? :eek:
Can't find it with Google.
you can get it here

Where do you get gregs beta impluse?
here you go
that's awesome indeed!

May I ask, did you eq'd a lot?

TS in there?

"EG a lot" hm....I treated it like I usually treat all sims
but the eq I used for that was NOTHING compared to other stuff I allready did...I think it's only a small dip around 2k and a small boost somewhere in the low mids area, for a bit more fullness.
At some mixes I allready eq them guitars to hell and back. maybe it's also because of different guitars though^^

No TS, but SoloC as booster
really cool sounds !
i dont like the palmmutes though, they sound very "edgy" and not how a real recto would behave...
sounds awesome. What do you use for saturation on the guitars? I am also curious on what settings you use on the soloc for a boost. Man these amp sims are sounding as good as real amps. The crazy thing is the best sounding ones are free!
OH MY GOD, this is to good to be true. Oh wait it is to good to be true because there is no Mac version. Seriously I would be prepared to pay over $100 for this as a Mac version.
OH MY GOD, this is to good to be true. Oh wait it is to good to be true because there is no Mac version. Seriously I would be prepared to pay over $100 for this as a Mac version.

Great price, for Amazing Plugin!