Testing LeCto, it's awesome!

Sorry to res an old thread however I'm extremely curious to your bass tone
And processing as what a lot of people seem to be missing is,
That will help massively in the sound.
Any chance of screensnto your bass processing please mago?

Good work man

the "bass" in this one is just a pitch shifted guitar ;)
shifted with the whammy pedal of AT3, then its the usual I do with bass:
one clean track compressed to fuck with a bass amp from AT3 (gallien-krueger)
another one for grind (was also Lecto, Vintage-Orange I think,with the same impulse as the guitars)

doesnt make much sense to post a screen or something, as it's anyway a lot different depending on the bass you're using.
and since this was only a pitch shifted guitar as bass it wont be very usefull...just try to compress the clean track to fuck and add distortion of your liking (Olas tutorial on youtube shows quite the same).
EQ depends a lot on the used gear!