Testing LeXtac out!

Man what is that weird noise on the left at the start? I thought a fire alarm was going off in my house.

Guitars sound amazing.. proves that you can get a good heavy sound out of this. But then your playing translates so well to anything (I would kill to hear it thru a real amp). Still some of the drawbacks that I had when experimenting, the kinda scratchy high end, esp on the palm mutes at the end. It sounds like a great amp for rock (I think you could easily get a 'brand new eyes' type guitar tone with this) but for metal I think there are better options (at least until his recto model comes out! Or Onqel's x50.. keeps getting better and better).
@ Morgan C:
What are your suggestions for a "Brand New Eyes" type guitar tone with this ampsim?

@ Dandelium:
Sounds very good.
I always like your guitar tones and even more your mixes.
Agree with Morgan C that would be awesome to ear your DIs through a real amp.

Might be a question that nobody has yet asked you: do you have monitors? Or do you mix on headphones (and which type of)?
So unfair... Erik shouldn't be allowed to try amp sims! Haha :) No, I'm just kidding. This sounds fantastic Erik, just like anything else you've made really. It's freakin' awesome! I love LexTac as well, it's a really nice and creamy amp.
Hey Erik!

I really like your guitar tone, as always!:)
You wrote that you have Esi Near5 monitors. What do you think about them? I'd like to buy some kind of monitors in this price range in the future. Are they worth it? Many people wrote that they have a lack of bass. Is that true? Are they loud? More than enough to use in a small room?:)
