DANDELIUM - New song clip, using LeCto + Greg's impulses.



I came.

::Edit:: You're definitely one of this forum's most awesome riff-machines, along with Ola =)
Yeah, it's too bass heavy in my system as well, it's just I was ear-fatigued when I did it...

Thanks Marcus! :kickass: I really tuned to A (this is not really Dandelium, may use it for a different project as I think it needs some more growls and male voice)

Thank you guys, I'm not proud enough to compare myself with Ola, but I appreciate it as well ;)
Sounds great. Nice chewiness in your playing. This is my beta impulse that I had posted up?

Would you mind posting this in my custom impulses thread as a testament to what they're capable of?
I would only just barely call it bass-heavy personally, just the slightest taming of I'm thinking the 80-120 range should do it; I'd honestly say multi-band compression rather than eq, cuz I love the fullness, I just think it needs to be ever so slightly reigned in. But yeah, bitchin', and it would rule with growls :headbang:
haha it's the same with Ola: You sound good on every setup, you're hands are so dominant that it doesn't really matter that much which chain you use ;)
really smooth and cool sound overall :headbang:
could you post a link to greg's impulses? I've never heard of those ones. Also your tone is awesome. Makes me not care about having a real amp anymore.

nevermind I found the impulse.
Once again this slays Erik. Gonna have to get another iPod that's not full of your tone test clips... The riffs in this song are the next level up from your Dandelium demo though mate!
Some "secret" Tube screamer (beta testing):

Drive: 25%
Tone: 100%
Level: 50%

Orange, Vintage mode.
Input: 100%
Drive: 60%
Low: 50%
Mid: 45%
High: 75%
Pres: 75%
Master: 50%


Just hipass at 120Hz; lowpass at 11khz.

Yeah, the impulse was Greg's Beta impulse
