Thanks Samantha!

You know david, normally i'm all for random drunken making fun of stuffage, but pointing me out of the list of the 12 people (and isabel of course, i forget not the wench) who have him in the myspace and wanting to know why I have someone added to my list kinda offended my slightly drunkened self... as it should not be of any concern whatsoever.

So I deleted j00 ^_^

You'll have to earn back your place!
These next 2 weekends should be good... Next monday is my birthday, and since everyone is busy on that day for some god awful reason, I'm going to get sloshed on saturday and sunday...

Then the week after that is new years and I plan to get more intoxicated then I have ever been... If I am not puking up a liver by the end of that night I will then kill my self in a ritualistic samurai style suicide, as I know i will have failed at my goal.

I don't give a flying shit about being deleted. Priorities changed the last 2 months. Some will like them, some might start to hate me. Don't care.

It wasn't meant as an insult, more a shock that you two claimed hatred for him and then turn around and add him. That there raised questions. if you consider that grounds to delete me, well then, fuck you. I'll find others to harass at night. Bye :wave:
I think David is fair enough in saying that. Alot folks did have a faux dislike of Ryan, which turned into him being on their myspaces.

Ryan is fine, in my book. Hypocrisy just tastes bad, it's a sign of poor character too.
Hey, I like Ryan! I began talking to him because of our shoulder issues, then one day I mentioned I wasn't able to afford to go to the Amon Amarth show. Out of nowhere, he offered to get me a shirt when he saw them. No, you don't have to buy me things in order to be my friend, but the fact that he offered to do that showed me he was a pretty cool guy. Which he is. If a bit ADD at times. :goggly: He's different on AIM than he is here, but I never found him annoying on the board either.

Plus he's young and makes me feel slightly less decrepit.

...and, you're welcome for the card. :blush:
Maybe, I hated him and then changed my opinion based on a noticable change in his online additude? Like he had an online maturing.
I never had anything against Ryan. He seems pretty cool. Especially since he is 14 and listens to Nevermore, Behemoth, Amon Amarth and I'm sure some more cool bands.
I never had anything against Ryan. He seems pretty cool. Especially since he is 14 and listens to Nevermore, Behemoth, Amon Amarth and I'm sure some more cool bands.

Any 14 year old kid who listens to all those bands and still has the wherewithal about him to keep up in almost any post I've seen on this board deserves some credit, IMO. I wasn't here for the BS, so I can only say that I think he's cool.

Drinking and speaking your mind are usually two things that don't go hand in's usually not a good habit. I don't have that problem because I fall asleep when I get drunk...
I'd sleep with him, for sure.

Also, Samantha I'm in the bad-shoulder club too! Same thing happened to me as Ryan. Except it was a long while ago, and I have full use, strength and dexterity (WINK WINK ;)) back in my arm.

Geez David, don't be a dick.

Yeah, Ryan used to be annoying, but he's cool now, so chill out.

I'd watch it with the insults. And he GOT advice on thinking about what he's been posting. And I'm not a dick so much as just asking about what was percieved as double standards. If he's changed in your opinion, then fine. But he needs further improvement before I lay off.
you know, I'm no Guerrilla... but we need some sort of Guerrilla figure around here, and if nobody will do it, then I guess it's going to have to be me.
So in conclusion: Quit being pansy ass "everyone is a good and worthwhile human being"; you and your free love attitudes are starting to sound like Christians... or worse: Hippies.