
What sucks is this. At my job you have to be employed for 30 days in order to qualify for holiday pay. Today is my 25th or so day, meaning I'm losing out on two free days of pay. :erk:
What sucks is this. At my job you have to be employed for 30 days in order to qualify for holiday pay. Today is my 25th or so day, meaning I'm losing out on two free days of pay. :erk:

I'd gladly give up two days pay to work at a place that doesn't make my blood boil.

I'm going to drive to the local Scientology tempel to go get a stress-test reading. :erk:

The other day I seriously contemplated kicking my co-worker in the fucking jaw. This motherfucker has a superiority complex. He had the audacity to say that he is on an entirely different plateau than all the other people on the shift and everyone needs to step it up. My good ole Afro-Amer mate responded with "You don't do anything special or different than we do." Which is the absolute God honest truth. I'm one of the most hard-working shlubs at that joint, which is why I received an overall exceeds on my yearly evaluation, as well as proverbial fellatio from both supervisors who wanted me to join their ranks. So don't fucking tell me I have to step it up after I've been busting my ass at a job that requires nothing of you. Cunt ass motherfuckers I swear!

Yea, this is quite the conundrum. My stomach is rumbling like Al Bundy's. I'm at the front door, but there's no pizza man in sight. :cry:

Edit- Picked up a Bruschetta Chicken Ciabatta sandwich from Jack in a Crack! :kickass:
So, a lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store but she couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, 'Do these turkeys get any bigger?' The stock boy replied, 'No ma'am, they're dead.'
we're having cornish game hens

fuck turkey

also i'm visiting my parents for the weekend, which means foodfoodfoodfoodfoodfreefoodfoodfreefoodfoodfoodfoodfreefreefreefood
I've always wanted to try Native American cuisine. Here we are, in a country that used to be SOLELY Native American, and I've never seen one god damn Native American restaurant.

They all just want to cash in on the casinos and keep their gritty cornbread recipes to themselves. :mad:
Stir together some buffalo, rice, and berries.

And pemmican is hardly restaurant fare, though I'd like to eat some because the name spawned the creation of 2 delicious foods: pemmican brand beef jerky and pemmican meal bars
I've always wanted to try Native American cuisine. Here we are, in a country that used to be SOLELY Native American, and I've never seen one god damn Native American restaurant.

They all just want to cash in on the casinos and keep their gritty cornbread recipes to themselves. :mad:

Dot-head Indian, not Feather-head Indian.