The '08 wrap up survey!


Master Exploder
Been a while since we did anything like this, so the end of the year is as good of a time as any!

1. What is your album of the year?

2. Song of the year?

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?

7. What do you want for Christmas?

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?
1. What is your album of the year?

Hmm I don’t really have one. Maybe The Haunted – Versus, but that’s when forcing myself to choose one.

2. Song of the year?

GnR – There Was a Time

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?

The Haunted - Versus, GnR – Chinese Democracy, Testament – The Gathering

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?

Maiden, Carcass, Helloween

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?

I honestly can’t think of a single thing.

6. Your favourite historical event of '08?

On a personal note it’s Maiden, but on a world note it’s Obama.

7. What do you want for Christmas?

Fuck all. I’ve got too much shit already.

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?

At The Gates to come here. To go to European metal festivals.

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?

Get a job in Manchester or Liverpool.
1. What is your album of the year?

Guns N' Roses, "Chinese Democracy"

2. Song of the year?

Not really sure what songs came out this year. "Sex on Fire" by Kings of Leon is great though, so I'll just say that so that I can go on to the next question.

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?

I don't really buy many albums anymore. "Angel Down" is the best I've purchased this year. "Death Magnetic" is great.

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?

The best was easily Def Leppard in Brisbane. The three Maiden gigs I went to were all awesome - a shame I couldn't go to Perth and Melbourne. Dream Theater was a bit of a disappointment after waiting 12 years to see them. The first Foo Fighters gig in Brisbane was awful.

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?
I ended up getting a Cheap Trick greatest hits album (The Essential) to learn some of their stuff for when they supported Def Leppard and immediately became a fan.

Can't really think of anything else major... get the feeling I started watching a TV series religiously but can't think of which one.

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?

Definitely Barack Obama winning the election. I wasn't born when the moon landing happened and wasn't really world-aware enough to pay attention when the Berlin Wall fell, so this was the moment I'll get to tell someone's grandchildren about one day, that I was watching live on TV when he won.

7. What do you want for Christmas?

A Red Ryder BB gun.

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?

Well, there's only one band I need to see live now, and that's Rush. I'm crossing my fingers that they decide to tour the UK when I'm over there next October/November but don't fancy my chances.

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?

I'm thinking about maybe learning how to drive.
1. What is your album of the year?
sleepmakes waves - in today already walks tomorrow
That album really opened my eyes (ears?) to a much wider variety of music, ranging from the expected post-rock to a larger appreciation for atmosphere within music. It's something that's changed my listening habits a LOT, and for the better. No album has had as big a musical effect on me since KISS - Alive III which got me into rock music, and music in general, in the first place.

2. Song of the year?
Nachtmystium - Code Negative
Absolutely fucking brilliant

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?
Rosetta - Wake/Lift - Amazing album and becoming one of my all time favourites. Has also introduced me to a lot of noise/heavy-post bands.
sleepmakeswaves - in today already walks tomorrow - as above

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?
Rosetta tour @ The Arthouse and Fitzroy Bowls Club - such an intense live show, certainly one I'll not forget.
sleepmakeswaves and Abrynth @ The Arthouse - just a great couple of live bands, such a mezmerising gig that was.
Nightwish @ The Palais - a completely different experience from the regular metal shows I'm used to, and while the whole seating aspect of the venue was a tad annoying, they put on such a fun live show and the new singer was very entertaining to watch. Would love them to tour again.

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?
Two things.
1 > the more atmospheric/calming/beautiful side of music, as previously mentioned.
2 > Pepperjack Ale, mmmmmm.

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?
Obama, while I'm skeptical it will change a whole lot, it's good to see a bit of progression and something unexpected happening.

7. What do you want for Christmas?
More CD's, as always.

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?
To build up my record collection, now that I have some income and a decent record player.

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?
To enjoy myself. After so many years of schooling, much of it useless and frustrating, now I'm finally free to get away from it all, and go out more now that I'm 18. Yeah I'll have Uni, but that is a completely different thing than Primary School and High School.
1. What is your album of the year?
I'll go with Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracy

2. Song of the year?
The Haunted - Trenches and The Haunted - Skuld

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?
Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracy, The Haunted - Versus, Entombed - Serpent Saints - The Ten Amendments

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?
CARCASS!!!! lol n thats the only gig i've been to all year

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?
Music: The Haunted, At The Gates
TV: Robot Chicken
VIDEO GAMES: Armed Assault

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?
Chinese Democracy coming out, the georgian russian conflict, if ur a Ghost Recon fan its ASTOUNDLING close to what happened in the original game ALMOST to the exact date set in the game! same year too! so yeah that was a kinda whoa moment

7. What do you want for Christmas?
Im not a materialistic person, so i don't really want anything :)

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?

Become a better guitarist, join a band, do some gigs

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?

Well i just given a contract at work so now im part-time woo :), but more hours, get another gf, get my drivers licence and a car (spent 08 getting new music gear n etc)
Hahaha holy fuck, The Gathering is a tad older than 2008. The Formation of Damnation is what I meant! :)

Edit: dang fuckity
1. What is your album of the year?
Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy

2. Song of the year?
Guns N' Roses - If The World Would End

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?
Still gotta go with the Gunners. Seriously, it's just that good!

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?
It's got to be Iron Maiden. Best gig ever!
I only made it to two gigs this year anyway. :(

5. What was your best discovery of '08?
Broadband-isohunt-uTorrent = :Chug:

6. Your favourite historical event of '08?
The global economic decline. What an entertaining case study!

7. What do you want for Christmas?
I'm a bit undecided. I thinking along the lines of a new games consol, just not sure which.

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?
Heaven and Hell full length album!

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?
New house, new job. Would love to spend a bit of money on my chariot, but that seems unlikely now.
1. What is your album of the year?
Probably still too early to call my personal favourite, but Chinese Democracy is pretty darn awesome, and as I said earlier, if it was surrounded by different circumstances, it would be considered a classic.
Honerable mentions to Death Magnetic which could probably still be considered a personal favourite and Blaze - The Man That Would Not Die which is killer.

2. Song of the year?
At this stage, probably Metallica - That Was Just Your Life. One of the best songs they have ever done. Amazing.

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?
Samael - Solar Soul. Easily my album of '07 which I only hooked onto earlier this year, and has probably cracked my top ten fav albums. Awesome stuff.
Depeche Mode - Ultra. One of my favs of theirs which I bought a couple of months ago. You can hear the drug overdoses, attempted suicides, lack of hope yet a will to soldier on all in the music of this album, and it is incredible.

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?
Maiden in Melbourne, both nights mashed together, would make up the best gig I have ever been too. Absolutely fantastic stuff. I actually went to a stack of other gigs this year so it is hard to think of another highlight. Finally getting to see Priest in the flesh was pretty special, singing along to Rock Hard, Ride Free was the best.

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?
Well I started to get into them last year, but it wasn't until this year that I became a diehard for Depeche Mode, and have since bought (almost) the rest of their back catalogue, and tickets to catch them in London next year.
My other one was Samael, as after I got into Solar Soul (which is still getting played at least once a week without fail 9 months later) I went back and filled in a few of the gaps in their back catalogue as well, but still have more to get!

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?
Hmm. Finally seeing Maiden in Australia was pretty special for me, after all, that is what has united most of us here for the last 10 odd years, a desire for such an event to happen, and when it finally did, it was better than I could have ever imagined. Life doesn't usually come through as well as it did when Maiden toured, so I hold that pretty close. In terms of worldly issues, Obama was a great story to follow and to watch the election and his victory speech on live tv. I just hope he can bring the necessary change he promises with him.

7. What do you want for Christmas?
I am getting a pair of hiking shoes which should prove most handy in '09!

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?
I'm making my way to some Euro festivals again next year, so my hope is that I will get to see some good bands that I have yet to cross paths with! I am also very interested in the new Heaven & Hell album, as mentioned by Mr Sydo.

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?
To make the most of my backpacking trip in '09, by getting out there and seeing and doing as much as I can, and balancing the budget well enough to enjoy myself and not stress too much, whilst not bringing home too much debt. Then I must figure out what to do with myself in 2010 before it rolls around too quickly!

10! The question I forgot to write! Biggest disappointment of '08?
I think Amon Amarth's Twilight of the Thunder God would be mine. After the release of 3 of death metals best albums of the last 10 odd years, and a string of brutally awesome live shows, they finally get the credit they deserve, and answer by putting out this by the numbers, uninspired, career deadening album. The bonus live DVD that comes with it is certainly more entertaining than the album itself. A shame.
1. What is your album of the year?
Cult Of Luna-Eternal Kingdom

2. Song of the year?

Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson- Rattlin' Bones

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?
Cult of Luma-Eternal Kingdom
Goldfrapp-Seventh Tree

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?

BDO- Melbourne
VFest- melbourne
Wagons@ some pub in melbourne

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?

Band- Shortwave Set
author- Cormac McCarthy. awesome.
Genre- I'm starting to quite like country

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?

Manly 40- Melbourne 0
7. What do you want for Christmas?

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?
To understand why people like the strokes.
9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?
To return alive in February.
1. What is your album of the year?

Seventh Wonder-Mercy Falls

2. Song of the year?

Seventh Wonder-Break the Silence

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?

Seventh Wonder-Mercy Falls
Protest the Hero-Fortress

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?

Dream Theater (i think that was this year)
Judas Priest

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?

TV-João Magueijo's Big Bang

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?

Liverpool ending Chelsea's 4 year unbeaten home record

7. What do you want for Christmas?

The stuff i asked for....maybe a bj too

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?

Finish recording full length cd

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?

Complete building new house and move in and get some landscaping done that won't look shit.
1. What is your album of the year?

The Haunted - Versus

2. Song of the year?

Kings of Leon - "Sex on Fire"

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?

The Haunted - Versus, Opeth - Watershed, Arch Enemy - Tyrants of the Rising Sun

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?

As I only went to two, Iron Maiden and Saxon

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?

Underbelly, Rush, Dexter, Kings of Leon, Warbringer, Wes Carr, Sumo Salad, Mother energy drink, Black magazine, Jaedyn Cooper Fischer-Giffin

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?

Undeniably, the election of Barack Obama, a watershed moment for world politics

7. What do you want for Christmas?

Time with my family. Booze. Sex.

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?

More tours. Maybe going to Soundwave.

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?

Staying alive. Getting some of my stories published. That would rock.
1. What is your album of the year?
Death Magnetic. It may not be the outright best album in itself but it restored my faith in Metallica and allows me to look back on where I started as a guitarist without pangs of guilt and shame.

2. Song of the year?
Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?
Metallica - Death Magnetic
Biomechanical - Cannibalised
Cynic - Traced In Air
Despite what may be seen as a big 'comeback' year for classic rock and metal with charting releases from Metallica, AC/DC and Guns N Roses, I think I'll personally remember it as one of the most lackluster years for metal in general. There are a few above average releases from Into Eternity, Blaze, Ayreon, Opeth et al but most of the music I'm listening to is still from previous years.

NB: If anyone has managed to pick their jaw back up and actually read this far, #2 was what we in the industry refer to as a 'joke' :p. It would be Adagio Vamphyri - hopefully a sign that the full album can't be too far off.

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?
Dream Theater and Iron Maiden. Also easily amongst the top gigs I've hit up ever. Top local gigs:
Transcending Mortality, Friar Rush and Sobrusion @ The Harp
Metal Evilution 5th Anniversary @ The Manning Bar

5. What was your best discovery of '08?
I've listened to them for years but I pretty much rediscovered Sylvan and realised a whole new dimension of brilliance to their work. I also discovered how awesome birds can be.

6. Your favourite historical event of '08?
Being employed at the same place for more than 6 months.

7. What do you want for Christmas?
The tastiest lunch of the year and enough left over honey-baked ham to cover lunches into the new year.

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?
Mostly to improve as a guitarist for my own enjoyment, though I'd be pretty stoked if I can get Watto to actually fire up and work on some busking duets to take Europe by storm with.

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?
Get enough money saved to go over to Europe for a few months, hit up various festivals and generally have my first real holiday. Get two more commercial projects off the ground before the end of the financial year. Raise my conures to be happy, healthy and well socialised. Keep the career momentum going. Pay off the last of my debts.

[edit] Add to #8: "Stay out of jail."
1. What is your album of the year?

Metallica - Death Magnetic, still listening to it almost everyday, it has a hold on my brain and won't let go

2. Song of the year?

That was just your Life - Metallica, just an absolute fucking stunner everytime I listen to it

Devil and Me - Clutch, just because it is ace as fuck

3. Best album (or even a top 3 or so) that you have purchased in '08?

Clutch - Beale ST to Oblivion (did this come out this year)
Metallica - Death Magnetic
There are others, just can't seem to think of them right now

4. Top 2 or 3 gigs you hit up this year?

I only went to Maiden this year that I can think of :erk:

5. What was your best discovery of '08? A new band, actor, author, tv series, genre, or beverage you have become a die hard for?

I just more and more into Clutch and other such rocking goodness

6. Your favourite historical event of '08? Was it the first black US president, the unexpected release of Chinese Democracy, Maiden hitting our shores after 15 years and destroying all in their path!?

Seeing maiden for the first and maybe last time in my life, it was absolutely fucking awesome

7. What do you want for Christmas?

Nothing, just a smooth transition into the new house early next year

8. What musical aspirations do you have for '09?

I am not really a musician, would be fun to get involved somewhere somehow though

9. What personal aspirations do you have for '09?

Really paying the house off and still have money to buy cd's and other music crap:headbang: