Survey time!

1. What was the first metal CD you ever bought?


2. You get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to move to a beautiful country (not Australia) where you would experience happiness for the rest of your life... but there's no metal scene there and all the CD stores are lousy and no bands ever tour there (although Maiden say they really want to go). Do you go?


3. Have you heard Queensryche's "Operation: Mindcrime", and if so do you agree that it is a frickin' classic?

ive heard some of it, but not enough for an informed decision

4. Is Arch Enemy's "Wages of Sin" the best damn album of the year? If not, what is?

its a damn good cd but a lot of others are up there. Dark Tranquillity 'Damage Done', Tribe Of Judah 'Exit Elvis', Dungeon 'ARTP', Entwine 'Time Of Despair', Pure Sweet Hell......there are a lot......

5. What's your favourite dirty joke?

no time for jokes...

6. If Sebastian Bach joins that band that Slash, Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum are forming, will it be a great band or what?

i never liked Seb so i dunno.....slash should sing!?!?

7. Do these trousers make my butt look big?

yep they sure do

8. Guys, who do you think the most beautiful woman in the world is? And you're not allowed to mention your significant others. Girls, you can say the most handsome man if you're that way inclined.

Catherine Bell, Cristina Scabbia

9. Are you disappointed at what an anti-climax the whole Maiden song poll ended up being?

yes, it has ruined my year

10. Have you voted in the Online Metal Awards yet? It's at if you haven't noticed all the adverts for it yet!!

not yet but will do asap!
Whenever I see this thread title now I always think, "Survey says - one more for the good guys!". I'm sure a couple of people here will know what I'm referring to. :)

Oh, and in case y'all are wondering, yep, first CD also means first album, vinyl or whatever. My bad.
Do these trousers make my butt look big?

I heard a better answer on TV this evening and I want to change my answer to:

No, it's all that skin that makes your butt look big.
1. What was the first metal CD you ever bought?

Metallica - Master of puppets :rock:

2. You get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to move to a beautiful country (not Australia) where you would experience happiness for the rest of your life... but there's no metal scene there and all the CD stores are lousy and no bands ever tour there (although Maiden say they really want to go). Do you go?

I dunno...thats a hard one. Probably not

3. Have you heard Queensryche's "Operation: Mindcrime", and if so do you agree that it is a frickin' classic?

Hell yes, one of the best albums ever made

4. Is Arch Enemy's "Wages of Sin" the best damn album of the year? If not, what is?

Na, not a fan. My votes for Dungeon and Opeth I think and bloodbath

5. What's your favourite dirty joke?

Dont really have a fav, well none that I can remember off hand anyway.

6. If Sebastian Bach joins that band that Slash, Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum are forming, will it be a great band or what?

Whos Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum? :)

7. Do these trousers make my butt look big?

No you look quite sexy there ;)

8. Guys, who do you think the most beautiful woman in the world is? And you're not allowed to mention your significant others. Girls, you can say the most handsome man if you're that way inclined.

I dunno lots? :)

9. Are you disappointed at what an anti-climax the whole Maiden song poll ended up being?

Not really

10. Have you voted in the Online Metal Awards yet? It's at if you haven't noticed all the adverts for it yet!!

Not yet
1. Twisted Sisters Stay Hungery
2. Why not is cannot be any different from where I am now
3. It is one of the best Album I bought, even if I had never heard of the band before I bought it ( I got a free casssette, which I wanted)
4. Have not heard it so i can not comment.
5. ?
6. It would be the second best mixed band after Audioslave
7. No, your arse does
8. Either Buffy or Pink
9. Dont care
10. NO
1. KISS: Dynasty

2. Yes, I'd sell my first born to get out of this culturally bankrupt, illiterate backwater of a country. Metal scene or no, there'd still be a way for me order CDs from the net.

3. Can I get an OH YEAH?

4. Dunno, haven't heard it.

5. Q: How do you circumcise a Tasmanian?
A: Kick his sister in the jaw. :lol:

6. I don't know about "great", but they'd certainly be worth a listen.

7. Why no, of course not :).

8. Tough call there. Alyssa Milano or Amy Acker. Please don't make me choose...

9. No, I read it all with great interest, though I never got around to voting.

10. Not yet.

Originally posted by Spiff
Hands up all the people who *don't* know what "copy the questions" means? Yep, that's who I thought.

[color=#AOEOOA]And put up your hand, if you now just scan over the questions from Spiff's survey and answer them just to make him happy without actually reading his full post.

I thought as much.[/color]