The 20 worst foods in America

i don't really diet, but i don't eat really eat bad food, either. when i was at school, it was all the gross school food, plus more pints of ben & jerrys that were necessary. now, i really don't even eat that much. if i work in the morning, i take a bottle of water with me. i finish another bottle when i go to the gym and usually don't eat anything else until dinner later.

^ nice! Water is really helpful... it's really amazing how going to the gym and drinking water effects our hunger... you would think it would the other way around... haha!

We all have periods in our lives where we gain weight... it's totally understandable. You;re in college: it's part of your college experience to eat crappy food :lol:
I gained weight when I was in military... the food in my base sucked: so we always went to McDonald's and Burger Kind when we could...
YES- now you know why I hate it so much :lol: havn't had it since 1998!
(that, and the fact that it's gross :-P)