The 2009 Christmas and New Year Thread.


Never banned
Oct 14, 2009
Ayn Rand is dead hahahahaha
Well it geting close to another holiday and most people on here are getting ready for it.Talk about what you are doing for Christmas and what you are thinking of buying.Also talk about New Year too.
Christmas Eve - Dinner
Christmas - Family, Presents, Dinner, Girlfriend's Family
New Years - Drink with Friends

Nothing special for New Years yet. I need to arrange something.
The usual shit...let the holidays come and go quickly. Just that much closer to spring-time.
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Losing my apartment because life likes to shit on me at least once every month or two.

I have to find a place to live working minimum wage by the end of the month; fucking awesome.
That sucks. Maybe you'll get a house for Christmas?

edit: Has anyone here besides Archrisk ever actually celebrated what is supposed to be celebrated on Christmas or know anyone who does? Christmas has always been a 100% secular thing to me and most people I know. even my very religious members of my extended family never seem to bring up jesus or any of that around Christmas.
Dude, that sucks.

I hate Christmas. Will exchange presents and shit, dinner with family. Nothing for New Years, probably.
Nah, Christmas is awesome. Outside of the fact that I'll still have to work on that day, but that's no biggie I'll have a blast with the family and friends,celebrate my mom's birthday on the same date, enjoy her wonderful cooking, maybe listen to Jesus Christ Superstar afterwards to further commemorate the event. Life is good.
Well I finally talked myself into buying an electric shaver. Going to get a Braun 790cc Pulsonic. Fucking tits I say. And the best part is it's on sale right now at BB&B which is $20 less than Amazon and I don't have to pay shipping. :) Here's a pic:


Gillette Fusion = the suck. I fucking hate razors now. Seriously, I put a new blade on the other day after using my old one for months and the goddamn thing cut me twice. TWICE! Not to mention having to put shaving cream and all that shit on has gotten tiresome. Oh, and I'm also tired of spending $10 on a pack of 3 blades, fucking ridiculous. This electronic shaver is going to last me forever and the shaving head lasts for over a year (my friend owns one and told me). Before you know it I'll be saving money using this Braun as opposed to that piece of shit Gillette Fusion razor.

That's what I'm getting myself. Aside from I don't know what else. My family likes to fuck with me and keep me in the dark about stuff.

But you know what is really annoying? Is when someone asks you want you want for christmas and then doesn't get you a single thing from your list. Like, what's the point in asking me if you didn't plan on getting it anyways? I told you that's what I wanted, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I WANTED! FUCK! I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, but seriously, don't make me waste my time coming up with a list if you aren't going to adhere to the things I have listed. Asshole.
fucking 200 dollars man?


i also got sick of razor and I got a 30 dollar norelco and it gets me army good every day..fucking 200 dollars damn
Regularly retails at $269. I'm not about to buy some piece of shit $30 shaver that tears my face up. I live buy the adage "you get what you pay for," and I'm more than willing to spend the money for the good stuff. Just like coffee.
Christmas - Dinner out cos Mum cant be arsed to cook this year.
Working Christmas Eve, and Boxing day, gayness

Be getting another hard drive, and memory for phone.

New Year - Up to London as always, piss up, fireworks, sloppy sex.
I'm kind of excited for Christmas, because it will the first one in a couple of years where the whole family is at our house.

Pretty much the usual stuff though. The day after Christmas, my mom and I will bring my sister back down to Connecticut, and we'll stay there for 5 or 6 days. Also, my cousins will go over my Grandmas house, and we'll have a late Christmas party.

I have no idea what I'm doing on New Years.