The 2009 Christmas and New Year Thread.

That sucks. Maybe you'll get a house for Christmas?

edit: Has anyone here besides Archrisk ever actually celebrated what is supposed to be celebrated on Christmas or know anyone who does? Christmas has always been a 100% secular thing to me and most people I know. even my very religious members of my extended family never seem to bring up jesus or any of that around Christmas.

My Grandma is a Catholic, and she goes to church on Christmas.
Next weekend: Meeting my girlfriend's family
Xmas Eve: My girlfriend meets my family
Xmas: Sleepz0r
New Years: Getting drunk as shit most likely
December 22nd: taking my girl to the Nutcracker in Boston.
Xmas Eve: I sing with a decimated choir at my old Church while my father plays the organ for a fancy Christmas mass with good music. Afterwards we'll go to a fancy restaurant in Harvard Square.
Xmas: nothing much till our usual xmas dinner: beef tenderloin with bernaise sauce, roast potatoes, stuffed mushrooms and glazed carrots. Chocolate mousse for dessert.

For presents I'm asking that everyone contribute money toward my trip to Italy this coming March. I already bought plane tickets: $600 round trip. Still need to book a place to stay for four nights.

I'm getting my girlfriend a pair of ska-style creepers (shoes).
For my father (MIT '70), a book of the history of MIT pranks.
For my sister, Arrested Development on DVD.

As for New Years' I'm hoping to have some time with my girlfriend up in snowy Westport Island. But otherwise it will be the usual lobster dinner with caesar salad and champagne.

I don't know what I'm getting for other people.
Christmas Eve: Getting drunk watching Christmas tv.
Christmas day: Getting drunk watching Christmas tv, eating copious amounts of food, passing out around 8/9ish.

New Years Eve: Fuck knows. Something'll probably come up. That or drinking alone, weeping in my hands and using the tears as lubricant
Probably not much.Me and the family dont celebrate christmas really, but we will probably have a Christmas dinner and have some people over for it. I get back in canada on the 22nd so it will be pretty hectic.
Chilling with family + girlfriend, gift-giving, staying over with my girlfriend who is house-sitting for someone, then going away with my friends after New Years...woot!
Lead up to christmas - Work, Work, Work.
xmas eve - friends christmas party its always shit but tradition,
Christmas morning - fly to brisbane to see family we havnt spent a christmas together in about 10 years. Fights are deffently going to happen! :(
Boxing day -more family entertainment, drinking, eating left overs - mayby 10 pin bowling...
fly home back home to go back to work,
NYE - Would love to go to Screamfest but probably just fight the crowds to see fire works in sydney, drink to much and vomit in the taxi...
it only costs 600$ to fly to Italy? hot fucking damn

lol, I can fly there for free. ;)

I'm working Christmas, but I don't really mind because it's just my second job that I love, and I'm off by 9 am anyway. My department is closed Christmas at my full-time job. This is actually the first time in years I've been able to be home with my family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Probably just working for New Year's. I think it's kind of a gay holiday though, so no big deal. I'd rather save my money for a trip to San Francisco I'm planning for mid-January anyway.
It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is.

That's from the Qur'an, bastards.
The Qur'an also has a verse that would go against extremism and that Jihad crap.

Those who break Allah's Covenant after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah Has ordered to be joined, and do mischief on earth: These cause loss (only) to themselves.

Then again, I found some that could be used to justify the extremism as well.
As my extreme adoration of Jesus Christ Superstar skyrockets in a geometrical progression, reaching new highs, and probably will peak on the 25th(if it's even possible for it to go higher). Gooooooo,Jesus:kickass:
Oy wey. Hosanna hey, sanna sanna sanna ho!
For those unfamiliar with it:

The Trial before Pilate:

A shame I haven't found an original cut of Judas' Death performed by Murray Head. I'm not a fan of the overacted theatrics found in later interpretations of the musical
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lol, I can fly there for free. ;)

I'm working Christmas, but I don't really mind because it's just my second job that I love, and I'm off by 9 am anyway. My department is closed Christmas at my full-time job. This is actually the first time in years I've been able to be home with my family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Probably just working for New Year's. I think it's kind of a gay holiday though, so no big deal. I'd rather save my money for a trip to San Francisco I'm planning for mid-January anyway.

you work for an airliner? best fucking job in the world
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I've got to agree-New Years Eve is better, and that's solely based on my extreme distaste for turkey with which I associate the former holiday.
And what's with the holiday being called gay? Desecrate Christmas with your favorite antichristian death metal opuses, metallize the pussified carols, if you so wish, scare away Santa's elves, replace the sweetened eggnog with kegs of the finest beer, paint all mistletoe black,adorn Christmas trees with pentagrams, etc. :p