The America thread

:lol: you have a point, but not about every country on earth can't be wrong...although it was damn funny!

I think America used to be awesome in the eyes of the rest of the world because the rest of the world was decades behind the US in almost every aspect for a long time. However, the US has pretty much been sitting on its ass on everything except technology, and now some of the world has surpassed the US in many ways.

I was only joking, but the States do have a really really bad rep worldwide at the moment.

Well that's kinda what I was getting at. It started as a federation of British dissenters, their descendants and many other immgrants (members of my family among them although most went to Nova Scotia after the Highland clearances) who valued freedom and liberty. They were the intelligent, the courageous and represented the elite of every country that contributed with immigrants. It was a beacon nation and an example of what a country should be like.

Now it has developed into a corrupt mockery of what it originally stood for. Started by deists and free thinkers (although admittedly a lot of the immigrants were from the the borderlands of England and were deeply religious, hence Paine's alienation when he settled there in the 19th century), it is now the main hub of evangelicals, where creationism is taught in schools. Where democracy was once valued, a two party facade exists.

The worst part is that a country that once led the way in thinking is now home to the most ignorant educated people in the world. Of course there are millions of extremely smart people there but whenever i've been there's been a big divide between complete morons and smart educated people.

All I know is that if I were alive in the 17th/18th centuries, I would have gone to Pennsylvania, Virginia, New England or any of the settlements in a heartbeat. Now? No. The most promising country in the English speaking world is Australia.

Eh.. a long rant for a tired 16 year old to make. I should stop reading Thomas Paine pamphlets. :lol: