"Statutory rape is illegal sexual activity between two people when it would otherwise be legal if not for their age. The actual ages for these laws vary greatly from state-to-state, as do the punishments for offenders. Many states do not use the actual term "statutory rape," simply calling it rape or unlawful sexual penetration. These laws rarely apply only to intercourse, but rather to any type of sexual contact. Dating someone without sexual contact cannot be considered a form of statutory rape, and is almost never illegal.
All states have an "age of consent," or an age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity and can then no longer be a victim of statutory rape. Some states also have laws that look at the age difference between the two people as well as their individual ages. All states have laws that have restrictions on the relationship between the two people, changing the age of consent, or the penalty, for sexual relations between a person of authority, such as a teacher, assistant coach, or tutor. These laws change, and can vary depending on other circumstances. For more information on how these laws apply in the various states, try the Answer Board.
Statutory rape charges are most often brought up by the parents of the victim, but in most states, they can be raised by the state. California has been a major example of this, filing charges against fathers of pregnant women, at the protest of both the women and the parents of the involved parties."
"Statutory rape is any carnal knowledge of a female under the age of consent, whether or not the female was a willing participant. The age of consent varies from state to state, but is generally from 16 - 18 years of age. Again, some states may include in their definition carnal knowledge of a male under the age of consent in that state."
Fucked up laws you people have over there in the States.