The Anti America Thread

How many years is George Bush in office? Well everyone knows a president can only be in office for 8 years. So 2001-2009 right?

Well how come there is no 2009 on here?! HMMMM????


Maybe there are plans on him staying in office longer or shorter than 2009.
The Bringer said:
How many years is George Bush in office? Well everyone knows a president can only be in office for 8 years. So 2001-2009 right?

Well how come there is no 2009 on here?! HMMMM????


Maybe there are plans on him staying in office longer or shorter than 2009.

Because te picture was taken prior to him starting his second term thus they didn't know how long he was going to stay for.

And rare circumstances can occur too, like he could die tomorrow. Thus Bush 2001-2006. Get it?
bodomite said:
OMG doodz
this is why the fucking USA sucks
1. President Busch
2. USA was Founded by "christians" everyone wants to cencor everything and then they go out and do it that night.
3. The media is blammed for the cause of children being out of control
4. Carrying guns is legal
5. USA thinks that abstainace only sex ed is the way to go, yet we still have the highest teen pregnacy rate of any develouped nation!
6. People are so damn fat in the usa we have more fat ppl in USA than any place else in the world.
7. People think USA owns the Amazon (yes gov thinks this ask around)
8. Everyone is ready to sue his neighbor at the drop of a hat.
9. USA is run by conservatives that think Militray and War is better then Education
10. Americans are ready to believe and support anything the news tells them.

OHHHHH and before you flame me!

:worship: :worship:
First off all, bush isn't the one to blame for all the stupid thins.
He's Actually just a doll in the hands of the people who are realy in charge, so just face it: Bush is an idiot who doesen't realy know what he's doing, but he somehow represents the ways of american politics. But actually he's just some poor guy who is being fuckin' brainwashed and just does what he's told. But he realy isn't the guy in charge of all the stuff.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
^^Look into the Kennedy assaination then. Did one man kill him or was it a more calculated murder?

Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck Norris met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.
I_stab_people said:
First off all, bush isn't the one to blame for all the stupid thins.
He's Actually just a doll in the hands of the people who are realy in charge, so just face it: Bush is an idiot who doesen't realy know what he's doing, but he somehow represents the ways of american politics. But actually he's just some poor guy who is being fuckin' brainwashed and just does what he's told. But he realy isn't the guy in charge of all the stuff.

Of course. Anyone with half a brain knows that Bush is only a puppet for the neocons.