The Anti America Thread

CliffBurton said:
living in Southern Ontario I can understand where this is al comign from. Although I'm not American, I feel almost all of North American culture is similar to the USA. Canada is also heavuly influenced by American Media, seeing as when most Canadians watch TV, they ae watchign American TV. Our Crime rate is much lower than all of America, but it is rising. Toronto gun violence is becoming a major issue, as well as racism. In fact Hamilton, my hometown, had a very large KKK movement in the early 20th century, and its not uncommon to find a racist now and then around here.

Certain things about this country sicken me when compared to the rest of the world. When working at a Music World, there was a donaton bin at the cash counter. When asked what the bin was for I replied "for children in war torn countries." The man's responce was, and I rember this quite vividly, "oh, just those my pals in Africa." Knowing somone this stupid is in my country sickens me alone, but the fact about his 2 little kids being with him unscaved by his words was the worst. This is by far, not the first, or worst racist act I've seen.

I dont think America is going to go fullout Nazism, to be realisitc. I really dont think the American government will allow genocide or anything of the sorts, but I do belive its going downhill fast. I can't wait to get away from this trainwreck.

IM going to stop the rant, because dumb people shouldn't talk.

well i think the main problem in usa is guns.. just watch the movie bowling for colombine and you'll see.. with that movie i discovered marylin manson was cares a lot about politics lol... and that about 11,000 americans were killed by guns cause of paranoia and gayasses, compared to canada like 100. seems the house protection guys make fortunes since most of southern americans are paranoid. (do not generaliza)
im american, and i willa dmit, america sucks.....its a fucking joke! but there are plenty of americans who have their heads on straight and understand the stupid shit going on in this country. i could go on and on about some of the bullshit involved with america but i dont feel like typing a whole fucking page of a reply, lol. one of the main things, the average american thinks that they are better than anyone else...and that the USA is the greatest nation in the world......FUCK THAT! thats the biggest load of shit i have ever heard
Poss said:
well i think the main problem in usa is guns.. just watch the movie bowling for colombine and you'll see.. with that movie i discovered marylin manson was cares a lot about politics lol... and that about 11,000 americans were killed by guns cause of paranoia and gayasses, compared to canada like 100. seems the house protection guys make fortunes since most of southern americans are paranoid. (do not generaliza)

I don't know how it is in Canada. But I keep my door locked at night and my loaded 12 gauge in my closet. There are alot of non caring individuals in this country. I live in suburbia granted. About a week ago a man was walking his dog out here in the neighboorhood. About 9 o clock at night. Three black guys came up to him and asked him if they could go inside his house and use his phone. He said "No, theres a gas station up the street with payphones use one of those" as soon as he turned to walk into his house one guy punched him in the back of the head and they beat the shit out of him and took his wallet. I know all this because my friend is a cop out here.

Now I am not trying to throw this into a racial arguement it could have just as easily been 3 drunken hillbillies that could have done the same to the guy, but still though, I think self defense is a basic human right. There will be times in life where you have to defend yourself. I am no wannabe gun toting bad ass, I am responsible with them, and the only time I ever shoot my shotgun/rifle is target/random objects from our basements shooting with some buddies on the weekend. I don't even hunt. No I am not paranoid of getting robbed, just trying to be on the safeside should anything happen.

I don't even know my neighbors never talk to them seen about 6 different families move in and out on both houses next to me. This country has really lost it's togetherness. People wanna just prove to other people they are superior. This country has this big balls syndrome now too. Everybody thinks they are a hardass. You fuck with me and you will pay, whether it be lawsuit, assaulting, or murder.

I love that Final Product song by Nevermore, I think that sums up alot of the stupid shit within the media that scares everybody. Even my parents have succumbed to the paranoia of this country.
I think USA is still the greatest country in the world, in military, science and technology, that's why so many Chinese and Indian students flock to American universites, and more than half of Chinese who go there won't return to China after they finish their studies.
However, Chinese and Indians will always do the scientific job in America, that's how they got the offer and scholarship to go to America, studying a program such as mathematics or physics that most american don't like. American citizens usually study business, law or medicine and earn more money than Chinese or Indians after graduation.
USA will continue to attract the smartest people in the world for a long time.
bodomite said:
OMG doodz
this is why the fucking USA sucks
1. President Busch
2. USA was Founded by "christians" everyone wants to cencor everything and then they go out and do it that night.
3. The media is blammed for the cause of children being out of control
4. Carrying guns is legal
5. USA thinks that abstainace only sex ed is the way to go, yet we still have the highest teen pregnacy rate of any develouped nation!
6. People are so damn fat in the usa we have more fat ppl in USA than any place else in the world.
7. People think USA owns the Amazon (yes gov thinks this ask around)
8. Everyone is ready to sue his neighbor at the drop of a hat.
9. USA is run by conservatives that think Militray and War is better then Education
10. Americans are ready to believe and support anything the news tells them.

OHHHHH and before you flame me!

probaly already posted, but you spelt Bush wrong, we were founded by Puritans, plantation owners, but yea everything else you said i agree
brightkelly said:
I think USA is still the greatest country in the world, in military, science and technology, that's why so many Chinese and Indian students flock to American universites, and more than half of Chinese who go there won't return to China after they finish their studies.
However, Chinese and Indians will always do the scientific job in America, that's how they got the offer and scholarship to go to America, studying a program such as mathematics or physics that most american don't like. American citizens usually study business, law or medicine and earn more money than Chinese or Indians after graduation.
USA will continue to attract the smartest people in the world for a long time.
a HUGE BAAH to that