The -- Ask a Question -- Game

No, but the ones I do are memorable. Last one I had, I was playing baseball against a team of grizzly bears, real bears, not cartoonish ones . . . the pitcher was visibly hungry . . . it was rather awkward.

And since we're on the topic of dreams, have you ever had a dream while being aware it's just a dream?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Even though I suppose the question is about dream as in 'wish' (which would probably be having blonde hair someday, just because I know it'll never get at light as that :lol: ), I insist in describing the most pointless, senseless and totally absurd dream I've ever had. After Lordi won Eurovision a few years ago, I dreamt my block of flats was collapsing 'cause of Hard Rock Hallelujah playing really loud in all of my neighbors' appartments; meanwhile, a living Barbie doll sent by Opus Dei to get me was, well, chasing me, and my only chance to live was finding a secret catacomb existing since Louis the Pious' times. Last image was me holding a marble engraving in my hand, which was extremely frustrating, cause I never managed to find out if I managed to escape the almighty Barbie doll or not. :( (At least there was no grizzly bear in my dream :lol: )

How often do you dream of situations happening to you in real life/continuations of things you've lived already?
What is an Internet?.
First of all, it's "wut". :mad:
AND it's the awesomeness that provides this:


What is an Turisas?