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A book by my favourite author from the supermarket that I thought I hadn't read yet, because I didn't have enough money to buy it before now. I looked at the back and realised I'd actually already read the book when I took it out from the library a few weeks ago.

What is your second favourite (material) possession?
tough one.

Either my cello or my camera, but I think I´ll go for my cello ;)

What´s the job you liked doing the most so far?
I like the job I have now (software engineer).

Do you have at least half the skills your grandfather/grandmother has (or used to have)?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Oh well, my grandmothers used to be an accountant, respectively a teacher, and my grandpas, an academician in Turkic history and a barber. I can't into maths, I can't into children, I can't into history, unless it's French history between 1314 and 1350 after reading a NOVEL, and I suppose I could try my shaving/hairdressing skills on you O.o

Which of the following two do you think is a sillier "preoccupation" for women: carpets or curtains?
I am not sure . . . . carpets and curtains are pretty much interchangeable to me . . . . I'll pick curtains though.

How long before Jussi shaves his moustache?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Actually I know someone who doesn´t like pizza *laughing* I have no clue though why that person doesn´t like it XD

A food that you hated as a child but now love?

Do you remember the time when there were no internet tough guys out there?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan

You mean, when guys like me were little kids who rarely used computors except for playing Star Craft and Diablo? And when I was still listening to Green Day for some weirdass reason? Yeah...I remember :) :hahamiddlefinger:

What is your favorite aspect of humanity?
I have not gotten to play an Xbox before. So I don't know; I do love PlayStation though. But the last time I played a PlayStation was in the Age of PS2, quite a while before the advent of PS3. :)

Are you a NINJA or a pirate?