The -- Ask a Question -- Game

I never did and never will. I fly over it to see the mainpoints at times, but not really...

Do you care about reviews?
No, I think people have diferent opinions so I have to judge myself

What is your opiniong of the events that are happening in Middle East??
Nothing changes under the sun, it is just the US changing out its puppets while diffusing resentment over decreasing standards of living as a result of monetary inflation. That is the same modus operandi of the US' two-party system.

What is your favourite colour on an automobile?
yeah, screwed up my knee again yesterday *sighs*

Last health problem you had was which one?
Heart rate going up to 84 beats per minute and shortness of breath for no reason while sitting down . . . . I was told it's caused by too much sitting down.

Who let the dogs out?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
well, all i know is that I surely didn´t :P

WHat are your plans for the coming weekend?
yes, I play cello...

What´s the best "medicine" against a painful neck after a gig? >.<
oh god please not soon XD

What´s the last thing you wanted to buy but didn´t buy in the end?