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I will get WASTED in teh city centres with my friends who are also SINGLE and DISLIKE valentine´s day.

what did you do so far on this weekend?
Made 5 cups of coffee for friends at kids ballet class, took younger kid to ballet classes, took older kid to kids party, brought both kids home alive and well, bought a cookie press for Valentine's Day cookies, went with wife and kids to eat at my parents' place, and now I am checking the forum before I get ready to catch up with some work. My mind is thinking of a second cup of coffee, I make really good coffee . . . this is always a great excuse to have yet another cup.

What excuse do you find to have yet another cup of coffee?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
none, because i do not drink any coffee *laughing*

Do you think Valentine´s Day is useful (besides being it for the commercial sense of it)?
I think it is a bullshit holiday. If you are truly in love, the choice to give gifts should not be forced upon you. On a separate note, treat every day like Valentines Day if you are a guy. Women need to hear some romantic crap on a daily basis. ;)

For the ladies: Do presents really make you love a person more?
no, they do not need to hear that on a daily basis...LOL

anyways, presents? Hahaha no. I don´t give much for flowers, candys and stuff like that. Once in a while it is nice, but please not on V-day because that´s just commercialized acting *rolls eyes*
But no, generall it doesn´t make me love a person more because I love the person and not the presents he buys - I´d rather have the most caring bf and not receive presents than having a bf that cheats and stuff and makes me drown in presents hahahaha

Do you know the history behind this day?
Sort of...not really. Could it be a saint/martyr that married people in secret? or he married in secret??

To change the subject, what's the best movie you've watched lately?
Oh God, I haven't watched movies in AGES. The last one that I watched was "You will meet a tall dark stranger" which was a bit too..."casual" for my tastes. :lol:

The song that's playing in your head right now?
No, because they break without me doing anything to them hahahaha XD
But when I was a child I did...

Do you colour your toe-nails?
well, when I am ill 14-16h.
When I am doing normal, then like 10-12 to have a good mood, to survive I need like 6h I think, but don´t expect me to have a good mood then XD

How do you mostly sleep (on your belly, side, back...)?
belly or right side...

does it annoy you when you wake up and the sun is shining onto your face?