The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Do you ever wish you were a girl?


Why the fuck do you keep blocking me? :lol:

:lol: I'm not for any bad reason!

:lol: Alright then, anything is cool. Also, what Dimmu Borgir album should I get next. I have Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and I'm just starting to get into them, mainly for the keyboards. So an album with heavy symphonic influence would be preferred. :kickass:

Um, As that douche Frank already said :lol: Get Puritanical Misanthropic Euphoria... prolly the next best one. But based on attraction to keyboards I'd go for Spiritual Black Dimensions.

Puritanical Misanthropic Euforia (or something :lol: Probably mixed it up but whatever)

:mad: MY THREAD! gb2/F Â G/
Can anyone direct me to a free full version download of a photoshop program (not a trial verson)?

Edit - Nevermind, I forgot about the one that comes with Mozilla Firefox.
:lol: Dude, get MSN and I'd send you FULL Adobe photoshop.

Isn't Windows Messenger basically the same thing? I've tried to set up an msn and windows messenger account before but failed :lol: I don't have a need for an online messenger because I use a device called the telephone, one that interacts with people irl :lol: Whatever, give me a minute and I'll try again.
Well, what's your windows messenger addy? ANd btw the telephone blows. IRL people use MSN almost as much as they use their cellphones. In fact, they fucking hook their MSN to their phones so they can still use it when away from the computer :lol:
Well, what's your windows messenger addy? ANd btw the telephone blows. IRL people use MSN almost as much as they use their cellphones. In fact, they fucking hook their MSN to their phones so they can still use it when away from the computer :lol:

Alright, I've set up the msn webmessenger bullshit and added you to my contacts list (?), it says you are offline. I think it is working properly, should I send you a message?
heartless, i accidently deleted you off my msn and blocked you xD

you'r a cool guy,

even though i dont agree with you sometime

you'r cool man, you'r cool.

:lol: Sorry, I checked on my contact list clean-up and it said you deleted me so I returned the favour ages ago.

Alright, I've set up the msn webmessenger bullshit and added you to my contacts list (?), it says you are offline. I think it is working properly, should I send you a message?

Message me, I should be on a busy status.
"Sorry, none of your contacts are online. Please try again later or click "Other" to contact someone not in your list" :confused:

I'm using Windows Messenger not MSN Messenger (Aren't they the same though?)
MSN Doesn't really exist anymore (if you updated). It's Windows Live Messenger now.