the Australian Idol thread

I'll definitely be buying Casey's album. Hell, I bought Guy's album last year (gave it away after a few days because it was awful) so it's quite obvious I'll buy anything.
I am a little annoyed, I wanted Anthony to win, but at least it wasn't like last year, where one of the final two was one of the worst singers in the top 12.

Saying Casey isn't somewhat talented is a crock, as is saying she blew Anthony away week after week. She had a few performances that were better than his, he had some that were better than hers.

I really don't like Casey's version of the winners single. Anthony's version was pasable, Casey's sucks. It is like a mediocre Disney film's signature song, it is poor.

Also, I think some people are reading too much into the fact that people voted for Casey...maybe people just liked her? I know many people who wanted her to win, and thats fine, I understand why people would prefer her over Anthony. Despite this and the fact that she won, I can see Anthony being more successful though.
If people voted for her because she's fat, then there would be a lot more fat people in the music industry because, by that rationale, the public likes fat people. If people vote for someone because they're fat, then Angie wouldn't have left in the first week of the finals. If people vote for someone because they're fat, then Courtney would have made the final two.

I voted for her, and it wasn't because she's fat. The only other person I voted for was Chanel. I voted for both of them because I thought they were the best there was (I didn't start voting for Casey until Chanel left).
Ruben Studdard won American Idol even though Clay Aitken was a better singer.

Even though he won, Clay's album sold more, because he's a better singer.

He only won because he was fat.
They could put her farting on the album and it would still go to number one, as if nobody is going to buy the album, what planet are you on Ceydn, thats just stupid. She got there because people liked her singing.
only time will tell...

but it isn't always the case. Just because people vote doesn't mean they're going to buy the album. The novelty of voting is fun... but actually spending money on the CD? That's a whole different thing.

Look at Popstars Live! Have any of you even heard of Kane Taylor? He's the guy who won it.
Nobody watched Popstars Live, Australian Idol is just about the biggest rating show in Australian history.
There were enough viewers and voters for Popstars Live to ensure more success for the winner, but it's obvious that it wasn't the case.
I found out yesterday that Casey's step-brother was in Scouts with me (he's a few years younger than me) and I went to his house once. Of course this was before she was even born. Her step-dad ran as an independent against Keating a couple of times during the late 80s - early 90s too. I always thought he was a bit of a conservative, but seeing as he took on a part-Aboriginal single mum with a two-year old, he couldn't be THAT conservative.
ceydn said:
There were enough viewers and voters for Popstars Live to ensure more success for the winner, but it's obvious that it wasn't the case.
It could also be the case than Kane Taylor just plain sucks. Plus, Popstars Live didn't have even half the push behind it that AI did. How often did you see the contestants on Popstars Live plastered all over the cover of TV Week? New Weekly? Who? Even Barbie magazine had Hayley, Courtney, Anthony and Casey on the cover. AI is just about the most heavily promoted TV contest ever. It's not surprising so many of the contestants do all right from it.
ceydn said:
There were enough viewers and voters for Popstars Live to ensure more success for the winner, but it's obvious that it wasn't the case.
No there werent, the show absolutely BOMBED, by the end it was the worst rating show in its timeslot! They changed the format of the show halfway through because the ratings were so bad!