The Band Survivor

Hearse, don't you see? Spin toilet paper
won't help you through this one.

You're destined to die. This is no longer a
battle for bands, this is a battle between you
and me >:eek:P hehe...

I'll just turn on Opeth, really loud, and while
you feel the music, it will make your spinning
toiletpaper spinn so fast it spinns right
through your head! Oooopsi, your head is
gone hearse, just one more to go >:eek:P
Lol! I'm evil, I burn... Wet toilet paper do
nothing to me! I'll just flame it away >:eek:) hehe...

Ooooh! Polkemetal's nice, but you know what?
I killed the guys in Dark Tranquillity yesterday!
I ate them alive. So, you have nothing more to
live for right? And just to make you hate me
more, cause it's not enough already, remember
how I helped them getting voted off?! >:eek:P

*Dances around, waving with her tail*

*Does a horrible scream which causes
Hearse's ears to explode*

*Watches Hearse run around with no
ears, crying like a baby*

No, wait a minute, all I have to do is get out
my guitar and play+sing, you will not be able
to stand it! No way!

*Goes looking for her guitar* I shall return!
Hehehe.... :eek:))))

*Gets out guitar and starts playing*
Oh, the unbearable pain. You have heard
nothing worse in your entire life! Run off
before you wet your pants! Hehe... :eek:)

Hearse, you're a horny wanker >:eek:P

On a serious note, (not that I wasn't
serious when I kicked your arse Hearse) it
seems like Borknagar will win this survivor
thing, don't you think? That's what people
were hinting towards at the start of the
new survivor thread.

Wouldn't that be awesome? :eek:)

Anyways... *Runs off to work*

Mercy! Stop! I can't take it anymore...
Hearse, you're like a roll of toiletpaper,
I wipe my ass with you. And the sad
thing here is; you're enjoying it >:eek:P hehe...

Long live Borknagar!

Now I REALLY have to run for the buss!

*Puts Thyrfing in discman and starts running*
Originally posted by Hearse
I would make you laugh, and just when you start to laugh, I would choke you with a toiletpaper!

You're TP cannot stop me, for I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO!!!! And I need TP for my bunghole.

Anyway, I say we do a gladiator/Survivor cross. You don't vote people off, you make them want to leave or kill 'em... or if you're not into the killing other folks on UM, you can just maim them.

Öhmmm.. no, not a black list, but a battle!
"the furious and eviiiiiiiiil blackspirit" Vs. "Hearse - the finnish wanker with the TP"

We all wait eagerly for blackspirit to get home from work to reply to Hearse´latest words... I wonder what will happen, especially since he declared his love for her ! :confused:

-phyros ( watching in the shadows, knowing he would take all of you just by beeing himself )
@Ansuz... Yeah! Cold beer! How did you come up with that great suggestion? :D

[insert wondering face]
Yeah Morg?
[/insert wondering face]

-phyros ( thinking the studies should be done from now on... )
Hihi, this sounds like Rrrrreal funnn!!! :D A real duell!!!! Iiiiiiihi!! Hadn't thought I'd ever see smth like that other than on movie. And then, in the final moment of the battle, there will be drums making it all even more exciting :D
*waiting for Blackspirit to return from her work, eagerly rubbing my hands* :Smokedev:
Originally posted by Hearse
running for the buss, roight! running away from me, like a scared liten bunny! :D
!!!!!!!!!!!! Bunnies are cute, but I'm even
cuter! Watch your words!

You don't whipe yer bum with me, just look at my white sheets, they are still clean ;) :p
Hehehe.... >:eek:P

Jeg älskar dig :D :D
I knew it! Comparing me to a bunny and
all. Yet again I win a battle, tricking guys
into loveing me (uhm). I'm huldra!!!!
*Headbangs waving devilhorns*

Hearsieboy? Make me some hot chocolate,
will you? And after that you can do the
dishes. Thanks >:eek:)