The Best Death Metal Band


Oct 4, 2003
I have listened to a lot of Amon Amarth and they are a good band.

If you like them, you will surely like In Flames. In Flames is by far the best band of the genre.

Their best song is "Jotun", and is IMO the best death metal song ever!

Other good ones are "episode 666" and every single song off the "The Jester Race"

I think a lot of people try out In Flames by listening to their newer stuff and get turned away, for good reason. Their newer stuff is really nothing special. However, if you give their earlier stuff a try, i think you will eventually agree with me that they are very talented.

If you guys haven't heard of Opeth either, you should try them out. Try the song "Demon of the fall" or "When". They have a different style than Amon Amarth and In Flames, but i really like them, maybe you will too.
In Flames, Opeth deat metal ??? are you sure you are on the right board or even referencing to the right genre? Best death metal died soon after 1994/95. Anything after that is just repuked version of previous bands ... Someone has yet to come close to old Obituary, Death, Asphyx, Unleashed ,.... and many others but pls don't put InFlames and Opeth in death metal style.
Sheet....that's fucken..ELEVATOR music, you're asking for quality death metal? There's many, uh...Impaled, Cattle Decapitation, Psycroptic, Cattle Decapitation, Decapitated...that's my current playlist, anyhow....but check 'em out, they slay...
Belgar said:
In Flames, Opeth deat metal ??? are you sure you are on the right board or even referencing to the right genre? Best death metal died soon after 1994/95. Anything after that is just repuked version of previous bands ... Someone has yet to come close to old Obituary, Death, Asphyx, Unleashed ,.... and many others but pls don't put InFlames and Opeth in death metal style.


(*writes down* and Pestillence, Morbid Angel, Benediction, Deicide....oooh so many more! :p :p :p )
Like I said on another board recently, Opeth bores the crap out of me. Heard stuff on cd, seen 'em live, went to sleep. Putting fluffy acoustic passages in the middle of mediocre chugging is dumb.

My vote for some good death metal goes to Immolation.
NAPALM DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so forth...

In Flames, Opeth deat metal ??? are you sure you are on the right board or even referencing to the right genre? Best death metal died soon after 1994/95. Anything after that is just repuked version of previous bands ... Someone has yet to come close to old Obituary, Death, Asphyx, Unleashed ,.... and many others but pls don't put InFlames and Opeth in death metal style.
im making an attempt to put some old school in my stuff.... not getting to far though cuz other ppl suck =\
Well, i guess you guys don't know much about music if your saying In Flames isn't death metal... thats stupid, ask any expert, it IS classified as death metal, maybe not as heavy as other death metal, but CERTAINLY better.

Again, i am betting you just haven't heard the right songs. The new in flames stuff isn't very good.

And yea, i have heard a ton of EVERY one of the bands you guys named. And i can still say in flames is MUCH better. I would say by a factor of 10 or so.

And Opeth is categorized as "progressive death metal", though i never said it was death metal. It is obviously very different from the sound of In Flames and Amon Amarth (whether u want to admit it or not, both In Flames and Amon Amarth are VERY similar, at least the in Flames up until their last few albums)

Please check out the songs i have named, Jotun by In Flames and When or Demon Of The Fall by Opeth!

If you give them an open listen you won't be dissapointed!
Well, i guess you guys don't know much about music if your saying In Flames isn't death metal...
music? death metal? whats that?

Again, i am betting you just haven't heard the right songs.
i herd all the right songs...... nothing amazing....

The new in flames stuff isn't very good.
well.... apparently you consider somewhat good... and the only ppl who like the new stuff at all have a closet full of korn and slipknot shirts.... soo..... =\

And yea, i have heard a ton of EVERY one of the bands you guys named. And i can still say in flames is MUCH better. I would say by a factor of 10 or so.
suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuureeeeee............ i dont think theres anything that beats allen west dive bombs........... i think obituary are better by a factor of 666 or so.

if you want somethin realy good i recommend hate eternal. Darkness by oath is totaly fucking pissed off...(you know, pissed, the way death metal should be) theres some balls to the wall death metal for you. dont bother waistin your time with the pussy opeth stuff.
Also,mekane, there's plenty of similar bands out there of your taste. Since the bands you mentioned were Swedish, you check out their peers also, me thinks...Ace of Base, E-Type, Abba...
Well, im personnaly in it for the actual music myself. I really dont care about how much hate there is or whatever. Unlike you im not one of those faggots who dress in all black and wonder why the world hates me.

If opeth had lyrics about how great gay sex was, and had the same songs, i would still love them. They are incredible at writing good music, thats why i like them. I dont care what reputation is associated with them, as long as the melodies are good.

And i do actually think slipknot is okay (nothign great though), but my favorite band of all time is Metallica. The best song ever is The Unforgiven!

I was jsut trying to be helpful, but i guess you guys really are more into how heavy it is than the actual song writing. Nothin wrong with that.
im just shockd that nobody here likes opeth too.

i'm going to limit this to one song now, begfore i mentioned 3. Download "when" by Opeth. Yeah its not "pissed off" as someone mentioned before, but the guitar riffs are incredible. If your into music for the great melodies then you will surely like the song "when". Heck, even my mom likes it, and her favorite artists are Sarah Mchlachlan and the beatles (i like both of those 2 but pretend im not going to say so because then you won't give 'when' a full chance if a sarah mchlachlan freak likes it)

If you listen to 'when' 3 times through (it took me about 5 to like it, but 3 is a compromise) and you dont like it, then you can bitch at me, but please, this is for your own good! your goign to love it!
Pls don't turn this thread into yr typical cliché of "faggot dressed in black". There are many of us here with good jobs and good life styles, just because we are into DM doesn't mean we hang out in graveyards and burn churches.
Point you need to get is that whatever you will say Opeth is not death metal(even if they have good songs), go on their forum and you will notice it just by the people posting on it. And btw, if a song is heavy, does it mean that it takes no talent to write it? is that what you meant? Metalicca was great but pls, they are not the best song writters out there.
So don't ruffle my feathers with your death metal rhetorics.
Mh......Opeth is listed as DM, at least at Spaffe's project page Librarius Metallicus (I like this site, a good starter's and research page), but has some Progressive influences...
I think Opeth is hard to judge and to be put into a genre, but why the fuck do we need to classify every band to death? Music is good as long it matches
the personal taste, so, wheres the point?

In Flames is listed as DM, too..., but the problem with classifying is that its a personal judgement. Its hard to proof such statements, 'cuz this results out of personal experience and in music with taste and experiencing music as it
Sometimes even genre definitions change, so its even gettin' more shitty.

Classification as a kind of "quickie" to indicate the style is okay, but everything other seems a bit childish to me, for example the whole "I'm a so true <insertwhateverhere>"-shit.
Opeth and In Flames are an OK bands...nice and light swedish bands...

but, u have got to be kiddin me!!!
this is a joke right. please tell me its a joke....
one can't ever compare them and their style to Death, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Vader, Obituary and so on.... :tickled: :tickled:

btw, not Whoracle but The Jester Race is In flames's best album...
megamich said:
but, u have got to be kiddin me!!!
this is a joke right. please tell me its a joke....
one can't ever compare them and their style to Death, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Vader, Obituary and so on.... :tickled: :tickled:

Purely a matter of definition;):)
The bands you mention are old-school and are not to be compared with the stuff we call "melodic" DM:)
The older ones are just better (except Deicide - never liked them much):D