The best gig you've ever been to?

Sweet! :)
I feel so lucky. Seen them with all 3 singers. Saw them with Baloff at Dynamo festival '97 (and met the guys backstage). Always brilliant live. They kicked ass last time I saw them at Bloodstock (2011), even though their set got cut short.

I have that Dynamo gig on DVD. Baloff (RIP) is fucking mental on it. Great fucking band. On that tour they did in Ireland (Shovel tour I think or maybe the tour after), Slayer were playing in Dublin the night after Exodus' show in Dublin.Slayer were in town a day early before the show. Again, another bar-type venue, and Kerry King was in the audience at the show. Few mates had pints with him at it while watching Exodus. Bastards!
I have that Dynamo gig on DVD. Baloff (RIP) is fucking mental on it. Great fucking band. On that tour they did in Ireland (Shovel tour I think or maybe the tour after), Slayer were playing in Dublin the night after Exodus' show in Dublin.Slayer were in town a day early before the show. Again, another bar-type venue, and Kerry King was in the audience at the show. Few mates had pints with him at it while watching Exodus. Bastards!

Haha. That's fucking brilliant! How cool is that?! Sinking some beers with Kerry King while watching Exodus! That's the perfect night right there! XD
Saw BTBAM with BTH and HTCOL over at the CBGB's with HR from BB. Then we went and bought an issue of BWBK and rented LOTR: FOTR, TTR and ROTK.
Acronyms for Christ's sake, not everyone knows what OIWEHFNWKOPNVPWKNDKQ stands for.

sorry, didn't realize that rage against the machine, system of a down, dillinger escape plan, and queens of the stone age were tough to figure out

i also have to say that tool/meshuggah back in '01 was pretty fucking awesome were nine inch nails, who i was lucky enough to also see in a small venue
You win this thread.

I should also not that I was also fortunate to see Metallica with Cliff on bass in 1985 on the Ride the Lightning tour at the same venue as the 1986 show and some may find it odd that I list the 86 show with Jason as my most memorable Metallica show, but of the two shows, the 86 show was the better of the two as far as performances go.

While hindsight can be 20/20 and having seen Cliff in action live is special when looking back, the 86 show in support of Puppets was the better show of the two.

I know - heresy! ;)
I now regret making this thread, all because of Jind and the massive amounts of jealousy he's uncovered

As I said - there are a few perks to being old ;) While some of it sucks, many of the positive experiences far outweigh the negatives.
King's X at The Station in RI, probably the Tapehead tour IIRC.

I was just in front of Dug Pinnick the entire night and the band was just ON. They played for nearly 3 hours and every song was great. Thankfully it was one of the shows where the guys sang "Goldilox" instead of letting the crowd do the whole thing, it had me in goosebumps.
Whats the big deal if you saw Metallica with Cliff? The other Metallica bassists play the same fucking thing when they play the older songs....

First off, no, Jason and Rob make their own adjustments to how they play the songs. Jason played with a pick, Rob has a different tone/style, and furthermore, anything you play on guitar technically can't be replicated perfectly by anyone (different gear, fingertips play a role in tone, HOW you play it with up/downstrokes and varying amounts of pressure... too many variables to list that I'm really surprised you couldn't figure out on your own).

Second, Cliff is dead. This may be a newsflash to you.

Third, everyone in Metallica just played better back then. This is hardly disputable.

Wow, I could go on for a LONNNG time on your ignorant comment, but I'll sum it up this way: Would you say seeing a Jimi Hendrix tribute playing "the same fucking thing" is as good or the same as going back in time and actually seeing Jimi Hendrix, who's style can't and hasn't been replicated since?
King's X at The Station in RI, probably the Tapehead tour IIRC.

I was just in front of Dug Pinnick the entire night and the band was just ON. They played for nearly 3 hours and every song was great. Thankfully it was one of the shows where the guys sang "Goldilox" instead of letting the crowd do the whole thing, it had me in goosebumps.

Not to derail, but what record would you suggest as an introduction to Kings X? Ive heard people rave about this band back in the day and I never did get to checking them out proper.
First off, no, Jason and Rob make their own adjustments to how they play the songs. Jason played with a pick, Rob has a different tone/style, and furthermore, anything you play on guitar technically can't be replicated perfectly by anyone (different gear, fingertips play a role in tone, HOW you play it with up/downstrokes and varying amounts of pressure... too many variables to list that I'm really surprised you couldn't figure out on your own).

Second, Cliff is dead. This may be a newsflash to you.

Third, everyone in Metallica just played better back then. This is hardly disputable.

Wow, I could go on for a LONNNG time on your ignorant comment, but I'll sum it up this way: Would you say seeing a Jimi Hendrix tribute playing "the same fucking thing" is as good or the same as going back in time and actually seeing Jimi Hendrix, who's style can't and hasn't been replicated since?

Bass is literally the smallest factor in how a band sounds live, or the least important, don't believe me? Go check out all the fuckers who don't even record bass and just use pitchshifted guitar, how is a Jimi Hendrix tribute even REMOTELY fucking close to having a different bassist in otherwise the exact same fucking band? I can fucking assure you Metallica plays 10x better then they did back in the day, they even mess up on their first album. Unless your shoving your face in Metallica's bassists cab you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Master Of Puppets being played in 1986 and 1987/8.
And just saying, Cliff Burton is the most overrated metal musician in fucking history, seriously. What in the flying fuck has he done that is so fucking great? Metallica didn't change because he left they changed because for them music was about making money so they took the easy route and made simple radio friendly metal songs for probably the first time in history.
And just saying, Cliff Burton is the most overrated metal musician in fucking history, seriously. What in the flying fuck has he done that is so fucking great? Metallica didn't change because he left they changed because for them music was about making money so they took the easy route and made simple radio friendly metal songs for probably the first time in history.

He didnt leave on purpose.

Justice is not what I would call radio-friendly.

Do you play bass ?