The Best of Bruce Dickinson

PIV - yeah, make sure you get the two cd version. It's well worth the money.

And LOTR better be good. I'm the same as you. I was looking forward to Episode 1 so much I think I forgave it a lot the first time round. I just hired it and watched it on video again last week, and it was WORSE than I remembered
The Phantom Menace was great! Just think, all the kids who saw it loved it, and you were those kids once! :D
Originally posted by Sydo

NEVER! :mad:

Ahhh forgotten your youth so quickly :D Star Wars movies were always about escapism and enjoying them, and I did just that with the phantom menace :D Though I dont know WHAT george is thinking naming the second one "attack of the clones". Sounds like a bad 50s sci fi movie :lol:
Yep 7th, the DVD looks awesome!
Originally posted by Wrathchild
(sings) "Send in the clones, those daffy laffy clooonnnes...."

Ahh theres a simpsons quote for every occasion! Hey Hey!