The best plugins and VST's for a really heavy sound?


Sep 22, 2010
So me and 2 mates of mine are going to start a project/band and we want to record our music the good way. We are currently doing a different project which is kind of metalcore combined with cheesey 80's synths and weird experimental breaks.

We are using the following plugins:

Guitar sound: Amplitube 3 with a Parkway Drive-like sound (that kind of failed since it sounds "meh")

Drums: Superior 2.0 (without The Metal Foundry) custom sound

Bass sound: Amplitube 3 (a random bass sound)

Now the problem here is, after recording it, it doesn't sound really heavy eventhough the riffs are. The guitar sound is a bit heavy with a soft edge, that it almost sounds like a electric guitar-amped bass. We want to achieve a clean heavy sound a bit like Emmure and The Acacia Strain. The drums are also kind of soft, the drum kick sounds fake and shit. So we're going to buy The Metal Foundry since it has a lot more sounds and possibilities.

Anyways, what should we use for our guitar sound? We are able to record through our amps but we don't really have high quality amps.


- Icee
You guys are ruthless...

Icee, your post was kinda like comming to a football board and saying "I got the Adidas Official World Cup Ball but I´m not playing like Lionel Messi, what ball should I be using?"
You guys are ruthless...

Icee, your post was kinda like comming to a football board and saying "I got the Adidas Official World Cup Ball but I´m not playing like Lionel Messi, what ball should I be using?"

hahaha!!!!! dude that was awsome! :lol:

anyway, that really is a wierd question specially without some samples for us to listen....
nevertheless i'm guessing by "not heavy" what you mean is "i'm missing lows on the guitars and iv'e turned up the amp's gain knob to high"
so you can start by fixing that.....
Ahhh...from looking at your choice of gear, I see where you're going wrong. No wonder you're not getting that "heavy"'re not using THIS:

Thanks for the reaction, I'm a production n00bie and my friend is the one mixing.

The thing is, I'm not a fan of Emmure or anything, I hate breakdown-driven bands like that. But their sound is just, clean and heavy, which is what I'm looking for. Any plugins you recommened? :err: I feel awkward to ask stuff like this but yea, tips would be cool. I've looked around on the forum too, got some handy stuff from it.
Thanks for the reaction, I'm a production n00bie and my friend is the one producing the stuff, so yea.

The thing is, I'm not a fan of Emmure or anything, I hate breakdown-driven bands like that. But their sound is just, clean and heavy, which is what I'm looking for. Any plugins you recommened? :err:

EZ MIX i tell ya´!!!
^^While waiting for the video to load up, I kept thinking..."Is it Tad? IS IT TAD??" It just wouldn't be complete without the wisdom of the almighty Tad. :D
EZmix + EZdrummer = nice heavy sound

Garageband also gives you a REAL nice gritty tone on your guitars. Make sure you record straight through the line in on your computer though, thats what it gives it that real raw sound.
Not a fan of EzDrummer due to the standard sampled sound which you are not able to edit (change sounds etc.). But EzMix sounds good then, haven't heard a lot about it though. We are using a MacBook Pro. We're not a fan of the "BZMCHHH" sound as in (the cheap) Gearbox style, where you just hear some noise. We want a nice clean and heavy sound, not garage style.

So EzMix is the way to go then?
Thanks, I will check it out. More suggestions as in plugins? Thanks for the link by the way Skinny Viking.

don't thank me now :)

in all seriousness ... even if there was some magical combination of plugins that would give you the sound you're looking for, it sounds like you are really NOT at a point where you would know how to use them properly. The best advise given so far was by Xnay ... start reading EVERYTHING on here every free chance you get. Its gonna take time but after a while you'll realize why this post got a lot of the reaction it did. As you start to actually learn, start experimenting. The end result will be all the better for it because the short answer to your question / problem is there is no magic plugin or magic preset to make things sound the way you want.