the big gathering

Dora said: bp-london stn 24000HUF +tax (apprx 14000) but it would've been cheaper if booked a while ago..

also check with change in bonn.. but that would be 59+79+19+29€+tax, too much for now.

and theres a action -booking until 15nov- 43000huf.

(I could go there both by easyjet and ryanair, i just dont have any money at all.. and i dont want to meet pigwhistler in any way, haha)

Thank you, Dora, it's not that I couldn't find a (relatively) cheap(er) flight to London, I just have absolutely no money, and if I had I'd go to Dublin anyway. Maybe if I had lots of money, I'd go to London, but at present it's totally out of the question.
why is that everyone plans to go to Dublin?!!? So many ppl.. Is there a Big ROCKSTAR living there or what? :p
(I know at least 4-5 ppl who said it, so maybe that could be another nice gathering, eh?)
Dora said:
why is that everyone plans to go to Dublin?!!? So many ppl.. Is there a Big ROCKSTAR living there or what? :p
(I know at least 4-5 ppl who said it, so maybe that could be another nice gathering, eh?)

Rockstars, bah :D :p I'm motivated by less artistic matters, haha.

But seriously, a Dublin meeting would be nice, but not this year.
Space Monkey, this is really, really weird, there's a bridge under which I travel each day to my workplace (well, there are several ones, but this one is special, cause it's near Sziget), and Space Monkey is written on it.