The Black Metal Thread

I clicked on this thread just to see if anyone was still arguing about what was was not black metal. how did I know? everybody has their own idea of what makes anything anything.
Agreed. This is a rabbit:


Allright, I'm just gonna let it go already ;)
I couldn't wait for mine... Once it was out I had like 5 messages to check it out in a few hours.

By the way the Greek titles translate:

1 & 6. Invocation I & II
10. Restoration of all

Edit: Forgot track 5. A phosphene is an entoptic phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye. The word phosphene comes from the Greek words phos (light) and phainein (to show).

Wish I paid attention in French back in high-school.
I do think krallice have some alright moments, however they aren't really black metal in my eyes.
They may have fast tremolo picking, and black metal-esque vocals, but in terms of vibe they really have nothing in common....and vibe is key when it comes to BM.

I completely agree with this, 100%, but whenever I try and say this to someone they go BUT ITS GOT TREMOLO PICKING.
It's like the nicest, cheesiest music ever.

And lol Nicholas. I love Orthrelm to fuck, but I would get supremely bored if Orthrelm/Ocrilim/Etc was the only Mick Barr material I had available to listen to.
Anyway, in Krallice I hear just as much of Colin Marston's personality in there too, thus the cheese.

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Have you listened to the new Kriegsmaschine / Infernal War split? The 2 Kriegsmaschine tracks are awesome, some "Paracletus" in them, some "Ordo ad Chao" but still straightforward Black Metal.

Quality sucks on those vids, get the CD, well worth it.
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Lol /\, not actually too far off some real "trve" black metal

/\ This one is all about the squeaky kick pedal......

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Those are some pretty insane (literally) sounding vocals on the Bethlehem track.

But I've never been able to get into either Blut or Darkthrone.
I'm not a fan of Blut's sense of melody, it's definatly pretty unique though...
And I've always found Darkthrone to be pretty boring in all honesty, influential, but completely forgettable :(
Recently been listening to this album a lot... loving the production.

es ist verdammt fantstic

Has anyone listened to this yet?
I'm thinking about picking it up....

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Recently been listening to this album a lot... loving the production.

es ist verdammt fantstic

Has anyone listened to this yet?
I'm thinking about picking it up....

Yes as a matter of fact. Been obsessed by it for the past 2 years. Killer production (THAT'S HOW BM SHOULD SOUND, sorry Sneapsters, but this is a different kind of music and deserves a different treatment). And those serpentine riffs and delayed howls, and the awesome drumming...

However, the new one (Shat Upon the Earth) is complete rubbish.

That Aosoth bored me to tears as well. The one before it was rather entertaining. MkM should just bring back Antaeus. This is like, a poor man's version of his old band.

The new Peste Noire delivers IMO. Yes there is the ever present French cabaret of weirdness, yes the production is slightly more polished to the detriment of the overall experience, yes the 5 10 minute songs for an album format that DarkThrone patented on the turn of the millenium is rather deplorable, and there are still melodies that belong in an Eagles or Ali Farka Toure song, but this man can write a riff circus and never solicit the yawns (which 99% of today's BM brings almost exclusively).
