the change

Mar 13, 2008
ne who has listened to an album before and after clayman or colony know that inflames sound has changed quite a bit i know most of you die hard think that they sold out for more money and a bigger fan base. but there are a lot of bands who have also done this as well Metallica avenged sevenfold and mudvaine being an example. and i see a lot of posts "hoping" that there next album will sound like there old stuff but come to your senses the next album will for sure be just like there newer stuff i think everyone should accept that new in flames is gonna sound like new inflames. n e way i think your not a true inflames fan if you don't like both styles because they both sound good its just that one is a completely different style to be honest they don't even sound the same. when i switch albums i think im switching artists. so if any one has to comment on the big change do it here. id like to hear stuff about why the change happened and if any one has anything interesting to say about it.
Surely you could have posted this in the millions of other threads that have descended into arguments about this very same topic? Did it REALLY warrant opening a new thread...?
Fair enough I guess, it doesn't really bother me, but you know this is going to turn out exactly the same as 99.9% of the other threads. It's simple really, In Flames altered their sound partially because of line-up changes between 97 - 99 (between Whoracle and Colony) and partially because they wanted to attract new fans and expand their music. You're not going to do that by cloning TJR every couple of years.
Yes, but the money comes from attracting new fans, hence increasing their popularity. I've always viewed attracting new fans and wanting more money as a part of the same thing.
ne who has listened to an album before and after clayman or colony know that inflames sound has changed quite a bit i know most of you die hard think that they sold out for more money and a bigger fan base. but there are a lot of bands who have also done this as well Metallica avenged sevenfold and mudvaine being an example. and i see a lot of posts "hoping" that there next album will sound like there old stuff but come to your senses the next album will for sure be just like there newer stuff i think everyone should accept that new in flames is gonna sound like new inflames. n e way i think your not a true inflames fan if you don't like both styles because they both sound good its just that one is a completely different style to be honest they don't even sound the same. when i switch albums i think im switching artists. so if any one has to comment on the big change do it here. id like to hear stuff about why the change happened and if any one has anything interesting to say about it.

I don't think IF ever sold out one bit.

They've been doing exactly the kind of music that they wanted to do at the time. The guys in In Flames are clearly metalheads, but they love all kinds of music, and I'm sure they enjoy a good pop song here and there. Anders himself loves '80s new wave, and you can see these mainstream influences creeping into IF's sound not because they want more fans or money, but simply because they like making that kind of music. I'm frankly tired of hearing everyone go off about how In Flames changed their sound as a calculated attempt to grab new fans and make more money. I really doubt that's the case.
It's not neccassarily a "calculated attempt", but if you think they haven't considered money at all then you're crazy. Of course they have, but that doesn't make them sell-outs, it just makes them intelligent. They've stayed metal whilst forging a new sound that appeals to a wide-range of metalheads and themselves. Their career is a resounding success thus far and I imagine it will continue to be so for a while yet.
It's not neccassarily a "calculated attempt", but if you think they haven't considered money at all then you're crazy. Of course they have, but that doesn't make them sell-outs, it just makes them intelligent. They've stayed metal whilst forging a new sound that appeals to a wide-range of metalheads and themselves. Their career is a resounding success thus far and I imagine it will continue to be so for a while yet.


For fuck's sake, people, they need to eat. They have families and shit. Why is it so bad that they try to make some money?
i dont really think they sold out because i love their music so much but they have gotten less hardcore so to speak
I think when people get all antsy and throw the "s" term, they're getting ahead of themselves. For one, it's a simple thing that people's tastebuds may stay the same but if they don't it's nothing to go apeshit over. Their new albums have been geared towards a different audience, as well as their tastes have been expressed differently. You can't possibly expect their sound to sound uncannily identical to their original releases. I mean as previously stated the lineup changes could hint it, but also people just develop and mature. To be honest I'm not even sure what I would expect from their new album. I've always had a consistent pleasure out of listening to In Flames, but when I listen to this new song it fills me with confusion. I'm not sure if I'm going to love it, or if it's going to be sub-par.
I don't think IF ever sold out one bit.

They've been doing exactly the kind of music that they wanted to do at the time. The guys in In Flames are clearly metalheads, but they love all kinds of music, and I'm sure they enjoy a good pop song here and there. Anders himself loves '80s new wave, and you can see these mainstream influences creeping into IF's sound not because they want more fans or money, but simply because they like making that kind of music. I'm frankly tired of hearing everyone go off about how In Flames changed their sound as a calculated attempt to grab new fans and make more money. I really doubt that's the case.

you are so right..:rock: