The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

Gold the last times it was used.

Last times it was used (Sinergy and HCD tours) it was (Tuska 2003 as proof):

Tuners: gold
Volume knob: gold
Nut: gold the base, but the 3 pieces that block the strings and the screws black
Trem: black, but the allen things you use to get the floyd deeper or higher into the body are gold
Mini switch for JE 1000: black
Maybe he wants some kind of endorsement from Marshall before he says he's using them (although he did say he was using marshall cabinets)
Original Wilchild:
Black Schaller + Black tuners

Then they exchanged the hardware on both guitars. The Wildchild has black FR studs, and the Green pinstripe guitar has gold FR studs.

The WildChild RR has never had a black FR. :confused:

And as children of COB said, the green pinstripe RR has a gold nut and black string clamps.

ok. yo, check this out. it isn't official yet, but it will be on SoB with the next news. Gear Thread.

Composed by Arcane? It's pretty much a direct copy of my first post, except for the addition of pictures. Fuck. Obviously, I had help from everyone but I had to put in all the hours of work doing the fonts and shit.

It started with gold OFR, but then later changed to black Schaller Floyd. You can see it nicely on Reap'n'Roll video.

I've never seen a picture of it with anything other than a black bridge. Do you have a pic of it with gold?
The WildChild RR has never had a black FR. :confused:

According to people who dug up info about the guitar out of hte serial number, it was made in 1989, had black hardware (proof of this is the black studs, instead of gold studs), and it was most likely actually Pink, before it got resprayed, though that detail was unsure due to the fact that they didnt get the last number of the serial, but it fit with the rest of the details.
@ Warheart: don't nag. I've sat around 4 hours for the html transcription with all their pictures and stuff and I've put a link to this thread and thanked it. And composed doesnt mean that I took all those informations by myself or is their another meaning for this word in english as in german?
^^Is there a way you could link us to that description?

I've never seen a picture of it with anything other than a black bridge. Do you have a pic of it with gold?

I think he means that in the Reap and Roll thing you can see the guitar with the stuff I described:

Tuners: gold
Volume knob: gold
Nut: gold the base, but the 3 pieces that block the strings and the screws black
Trem: black, but the allen things you use to get the floyd deeper or higher into the body are gold
Mini switch for JE 1000: black

Although if he has a pic of it with all gold hardware it'd be cool to see it, as well as a pic of the Wildchild with black hardware.
Sorry it was not for you but for the guy who claims that people investigated Alexi's Wildchild serial number and knew all that stuff.

it was on JGP. i'm sure Mitch can confirm, cause i just looked it up just to make sure i wasnt talking bullshit here, and he posted both before and after(though interestingly enough, never about the subject).

Basically they figured out that out of a picture which was pretty big and good quality, it had the wildchild, so they managed to use photoshop to make out what looked like RR2410(located on the front of the fretboard, under the 24th fret, for those who wonder). though the latter numbers were hard to figure out, other things like the logo style, and "feel"(trust me, the guy who said this pretty much bathes in jacksons from every era and whatever, he knows what he's talking about), dates it to late 88/89 as well, proof enough in itself.

Other things are the "WO"(a piece of paper, probably stands for work order, placed in the back of the cavity, shown on some pics, these were only used back then, and not in the later years(like the claimed 1999 where the Wildchild was "custom ordered"))

Other thing of notice, is that it most likely originally had a Black JT-590 Jackson Floyd Rose

they also talked to someone who apparently had a list of customs made, but it seemed to lack two pages, and other combinations of the serial matched a White and a Pink rhoads, so not directly pink, but, you get the picture.

In any case, this(respray etc) is/was pretty normal to do, so i'm not surprised.
Most likely it was repainted before Alexi even got it, he probably didn't even know, and yes, 2nd hand