The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

Jackson Electronics did that, It came like that with my 89 Jackson Custom RR.
Well the one you could buy on ebay for $50 looks as close as the original as possible, but doesn't sound the same (different components).

I use the G-Major with my ENGL and the Alesis with the GP-1000 to get the "Stone" sound. They're both great effects units and far simpler than the Intellifex.
Yeah, changing two components makes the amplifier clearer and a little bit more distortion. Sounds just like Alexi's!
My je makes a little "Hissssssss" on highs... It makes me mad )
Especially it`s very hearable on hi gain...
Maybe You will open a mystery... Wich value should I change on?
The JE-1000 is very prone to hiss and feedback if you don't have everything grounded. Had problems with the one in my other guitar, but my copies and the one that's pictured (in my RR customshop) are noise free. Check everything and have electronic-tape around every connection. Everything must be grounded, every damn cable.
That's proably why people love EMG's xP Easy to install and sounds good as well. :P

Values are gain on max (for JE-1000 with GP-1000) and the middle flick should be "on" but I have had very good sounds with both the middle and the right one "on".

Have tested it both with J-80C and J-50BC, and with J-80C its almost the same except a tiny bit more gain and a lot more bass.
Which version do you have? A ebay copy one or something from a forum member or?
Could be a broken component or something not correcly connected on the JE- board.
My own made. it`s totally copy of original. i`m lokking on yours and its the same but I`ve got another capacitor manufacturer. They are polyester too.
but I ve got a cheap 47pf and 470pf. maybe they makes this annoying noize.
I want to look on original transistors. What is printed on it can you look on it? can`t see on your pics...
Well I bought the best components I could get my hands on when modifying the GP-1000s. The components I landed on were often used when modifying old 80's marhalls.

Ohh, well those are hard to see what it read on them, but I'll take a look in a couple of days. Not around my equipment right now.
Hehe, yeah, quite hard to find original pictures of the JE-1000, but there are some from Jackson Catalogs and on websites such as and
I`ve heared an orig. je1000 and it sounds really different... I`ve got good components in my copy but it sounds like shit.
There is some magic in original JE....
Well I bought the best components I could get my hands on when modifying the GP-1000s. The components I landed on were often used when modifying old 80's marhalls.

Ohh, well those are hard to see what it read on them, but I'll take a look in a couple of days. Not around my equipment right now.

What mods did you do on the gp1000?
From the text in between the pictures on page 80:

After modification (Replaced the purple/pinkish capacator (22uf) with a purple and blue (0.68uf). And replaced the resistor to the left of it in this picture 1,5kohm to 825 ohm)
Anyone have recommendations other then a gp-1000? Anyone have opinions on the Ada mp-1....or sansamp psa-1 or whatever it's called? Or even lee jacksons old school modded ampeg? I'd like to hear your guys preamp reccomendations please. Compare and contrast.
guys I'm looking for a portable do-it-all nowadays so bad. I don't want it to be expensive but I expect it to provide me with good distortions.

as far as I remember some of you have Korg PX4 or PX5 right? the internet really confuses you when it comes to getting info about this sort of devices.

some say PX5 is better than PX4 and it's a great device and... and some say PX5 is noisy and has a horrible tone. and PX4 is better. some say PX4 has fake plastic sounding sort of distortion!!!

I would be so grateful if someone could provide me with helpful information about these devices.
PSA-1 and MP-1 are great amps, but almost cost as much as a gp-1000, and won't sound as good, but they are more versatile.

When it come to the PX4 or 5 Pandora, it's a great little thing for practicing, but when used with an amplifier of any kind, it becomes too nosiy and too fake sounding...
So if you're planning on playing anything outside the bedroom, or playing without headphones, then you should go for something else. I guess the PX4 is quiter because of the less output signal, but can't tell cause I haven't tested them, I only tested the Pandora mini and that one is even noisier, or at least they say.